Looking Outwards-05


When looking for examples of 3D computer graphics, I found AlteredQualia’s website. This one project called WebGL Pasta caught my attention. It is a 3D rendering of pasta floating through space. The site is interactive, so if you move your mouse, you can explore the space and get it to move in different directions. What I find fascinating about this project, is the amount of depth they were able to achieve through the use of shadow, color, and movement. They were able to create this vast looking environment on a two-dimensional computer screen.

This project was built using WebGL (Web Graphics Library) which is a javascript API. WebGL allows for graphics to be rendered on the web, and it is something I’ve been quite interested in. This WebGL Pasta project seems to have been a creative exploration. I can see the artist’s attention to detail and ability to imagine vast environments. In a lot of their work they use this contrast of red and blue. I’m not quite sure why, but I would love to know their reasoning behind it.

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