Project 06 – Abstract Clock


function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 480);
    background(46, 27, 61);


function draw() {
	var sec = second();
    var min = minute();
    var hr = hour();

    background(122, 49, 0);

	fill(255, 236, 202, 30);
	ellipse(240, 128+sec, 730, 505);
	ellipse(240, 200+(2*min), 540, 330);
	ellipse(240, 30+(13*hr), 368, 230);
	// cast lighting

	fill(0, 0, 0, 60);
	ellipse(240, 425, 420, 75);
	// plate shadow

	fill(146, 138, 183);
	ellipse(240, 415, 400, 75);
	fill(177, 175, 232);
	ellipse(240, 410, 320, 45);
	// plate

    fill(255, 242, 233);
    rect(210, 100+(13*hr), 60, 312-(13*hr));
    ellipse(240, 412, 60, 15);
    stroke(255, 205, 171);
    ellipse(240, 100+(13*hr), 60, 15);
    // middle candle (takes the whole day to melt)

    fill(255, 210, 110);
    circle(240, 70+(13*hr), 35);
    triangle(225, 61+(13*hr), 255, 61+(13*hr), 240, 30+(13*hr));
    fill(255, 237, 202);
    circle(240, 73+(13*hr), 26); 
    // middle candle flame

    var min = minute();
    rect(160, 292+(2*min), 30, 120-(2*min));
    rect(290, 292+(2*min), 30, 120-(2*min));
    ellipse(175, 412, 30, 8);
    ellipse(305, 412, 30, 8);
    stroke(255, 205, 171);
    ellipse(175, 292+(2*min), 30, 8);
    ellipse(305, 292+(2*min), 30, 8);
    // candles on either side of the middle candle (take an hour to melt)

    fill(255, 210, 110);
    circle(175, 270+(2*min), 22);
    circle(305, 270+(2*min), 22);
    triangle(175, 245+(2*min), 166, 264+(2*min), 184, 264+(2*min));
    triangle(305, 245+(2*min), 296, 264+(2*min), 314, 264+(2*min));
    fill(255, 237, 202);
    circle(175, 272+(2*min), 16);
    circle(305, 272+(2*min), 16);  
    // flames for hour candles

    rect(120, 352+sec, 20, 60-sec);
    rect(340, 352+sec, 20, 60-sec);
    ellipse(130, 412, 20, 5);
    ellipse(350, 412, 20, 5);
    stroke(255, 205, 171);
    ellipse(130, 352+sec, 20, 5);
    ellipse(350, 352+sec, 20, 5);    
    // outermost candles (take 1 min to melt)

    fill(255, 210, 110);
    circle(130, 339+sec, 13);
    circle(350, 339+sec, 13);
    triangle(130, 325+sec, 124, 336+sec, 136, 336+sec);
    triangle(350, 325+sec, 356, 336+sec, 344, 336+sec);
    fill(255, 237, 202);
    circle(130, 340+sec, 9);
    circle(350, 340+sec, 9);
    // flames for minute candles

For my abstract clock, I used a set of candles melting to represent the time. The biggest candle in the middle takes the entire day to “melt,” the ones on either side of it both take one hour to melt, and the smallest candles on the ends each take one minute to melt. The flames and cast lighting move accordingly, and the candles reset with the time.

I began with a preliminary sketch:

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