Looking Outwards-06

I have been quite interested in random generators and found this random art generator.


This program was created by Andrej Bauer in ocaml. The website contains a web version using ocamljs. To run the program, you are able to input a title for your piece. Based on the documentation, works are normally composed of two words. The words trigger a formula that randomly generates pseudo-random numbers which then create the picture. It is pseudo-random because the same word will always trigger the same number output and create the same artwork. Within the two word name, the first name determines the colors and layout of focal point. The second word determines the arrangement of the pixels in the image. When I first tested this out, I only typed in one word so I wonder how the program works if only given one input.

I admire this project because of the connections created between words, art, and randomness. It is wonderful seeing all of the art generators out there pushing the limits of the meaning of art and creativity. I find the parameters chosen for the two inputs to be interesting, and I wonder what it might look like if different parameters of the piece were explored.

This project is also quite exciting because of the large number of possibilities it can create. I don’t know how many combinations of two words there are, but I’m sure there are a lot. This website allows you to make your own image and then submit it to a library for people to vote on their favorites. It would be interesting to what words are used to make the best pictures using this algorithm.

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