Project 09: Computational Portrait

I chose to construct my portrait from nucleotide pixels; nucleotides are the building blocks of DNA and RNA. Each time the mouse is clicked it switches the pixel mode to a different nucleotide: A for Adenine, C for Cytosine, T for Thymine, G for Guanine, and U for Uracil. If the mouse is held down, the pixels drawn will be randomly chosen from all nucleotides.

Self Portrait
let img;
var Nucleotide = 1;
var Nucs = ['A', 'C', 'T', 'G', 'U']

function preload() {
	img = loadImage("");

function setup() {
  createCanvas(480, 480);
  img.resize(width, height);

function draw() {
  	var x = floor(random(img.width)); // random x position for the letter
  	var y = floor(random(img.height)); // random y position for the letter
  	var pixel = img.get(x, y); // select color from the image and store in pixel
  	stroke(pixel);	//make the stroke color the color of the according image pixel
  	fill(pixel);	//make the text color the color of the according image pixel
	if(Nucleotide == 1) { 
  		text('A', x, y);	//A, for adenine
 	else if(Nucleotide == 2){ 
  		text('C', x, y);	//C, for cytosine
  	else if(Nucleotide == 3){ 
  		text('T', x, y);	//T, for thymine
  	else if(Nucleotide == 4){ 
  		text('G', x, y);	//G, for guanine
  	else { 
  		text('U', x, y);	//U, for uracil
  	if (mouseIsPressed) {
  		text(random(Nucs), x, y)	//while the mouse is being held down, randomize pixel letters (any nucleotide can be generated)	

function mousePressed() {
	if(Nucleotide == 1) {
		Nucleotide = 2;	//click once and set pixel letter to C
	else if(Nucleotide == 2) {
		Nucleotide = 3;	//click again and set pixel letter to T
	else if(Nucleotide == 3) {
		Nucleotide = 4;	//click again and set pixel letter to G
	else if(Nucleotide == 4) {
		Nucleotide = 5;	//click again and set pixel letter to U
	else {
		Nucleotide = 1;	//click again and reset pixel letter to A

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