Project 09 – Computational Portrait (Custom Pixel)

I chose to use a selfie of me for this project. I resized the image so that my face would fit in the canvas, and then had words appearing to reveal the selfie. I used the following words : “annie”, “jean”, “flag”, “blue”, “brown”, “tan”, “red”, etc. I used these words because it described images in the actual picture, such as the background, me, and colors within the picture.

I had a little difficulty at first about trying to figure out another creative way to reveal the picture. However, from a previous LO post that I had made, I was inspired by an artist who used common words associated with each other on Google to graphically display data, therefore I chose the words that would be related to/associated with my selfie to appear as it seemed most reasonable.

//Annie Kim
//Section B

var img;
//words describing pic
var words = ["annie", "jean", "flag", "selfie", "snapchat", "blue", "red", "tan", "brown"]

function preload() {
	var selfie = "";
	img = loadImage(selfie);

function setup() {
	createCanvas(480, 480);


function draw() {
	//resizing selfie
	img.resize(480, 480);
	var x = random(width);
	var y = random(height);
	//getting exact pixel color to fill in words later
	var pixelx = constrain(floor(x), 0, width);
	var pixely = constrain(floor(y), 0, height);
	var pixelcolor = img.get(pixelx, pixely);

	textSize(random(8, 18));
	text(words[Math.floor(random(0, 9))], x, y);
This is as the words are starting to appear..
This is when the picture is almost entirely resolved..
This is the selfie that shows when the words are done appearing.

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