
For this week’s looking outwards, I took a look at KNBC by Casey Reas. It uses news broadcast footage and translates them into a collage of pixels, which is then projected onto a wall. I found it a really interesting and meta look at the way we consume information so quickly and abundantly in our day-to-day lives. The work was done in Processing, for which Casey Reas is the co-founder of.

Interestingly, there is still a clear narrative that is being presented in the work, which I found really interesting; even when information has been distorted beyond what is cognitively recognisable, we can still see the beginning and end transitioning into another story altogether.

Overall, I really enjoyed the visual aesthetics of the piece, and how sound plays a large role in both its presentation but also how we come to interpret and understand information as a core piece of the artwork’s intent.

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