Project 10

For this week’s project, I decided to depict a chill night in that someone might have with their cats in a living room. I was feeling a bit stressed because of my classes, so I tried to go for more of a chill vibe that took various aspects of my existing room and blended them with auditory elements.

I did the initial drawings in illustrator, and imported each part as a different image.

// Susie Kim
// Section A
// Project 10

// call global variables
var bgPhoto;

var cupcake;
var cupcakeX = 280;
var cupcakeY = 360;

var pointedHand;
var pointedHandX = 230;
var pointedHandY = 450;

var grabbingHand;
var grabbingHandX = 280;
var grabbingHandY = 450;

var tvScreen;
var musicNotes;
var mouth;

var count = 0;

var meow;
var tvTurnOn;
var eat;
var musicPlay;

function preload() {
    // load images
    bgPhoto = loadImage('');
    cupcake = loadImage('');
    pointedHand = loadImage('');
    grabbingHand = loadImage('');
    musicNotes = loadImage('');
    tvScreen = loadImage('');

    meow = loadSound("");
    tvTurnOn = loadSound("");
    eat = loadSound("");
    musicPlay = loadSound("");


function setup() {
    // you can change the next 2 lines:
    createCanvas(400, 400);

function soundSetup() { // setup for audio generation

function draw() {
    count++; // add 1 frame for each time draw function runs

    image(bgPhoto, width/2, height/2, width, height); // set up background photo

    // have a hand come and take the cupcake on the table
    if (count >= 0 & count < 100) {
        image(cupcake, cupcakeX, cupcakeY, 40, 40); // place cupcake in scene
        image(grabbingHand, grabbingHandX, grabbingHandY, 100, 100); // place hand outside of scene, ready to grab
    if (count > 30 & count < 45) { // bring hand into frame
        grabbingHandY -= 5;
    if (count > 45 & count < 100) { // have hand take cupcake
        cupcakeY += 5;
        grabbingHandY += 5;

    // eating sound from the person eating the cupcake
    if (count == 100) {;

    // have both cats meow with mouths open
    if (count >= 0 & count < 125) { // have mouths regular
        mouth = true;
    if (count > 125 &  count < 155) { // have mouths open with meow sound
        mouth = false;
    if (count == 126) {;
    if (count > 155) { // mouths return back to normal after meow
        mouth = true;

    // have hand come and touch remote to turn tv off
    if (count >= 0 & count < 155) { // keep screen on
        screen = true;
    if (count > 165 & count < 172) { // screen turns off as hand moves away
        screen = false;
        pointedHandY += 7;
    if (count == 166) {;

    image(pointedHand, pointedHandX, pointedHandY, 100, 100);
    if (count > 140 & count < 155) { // hand comes to click remote
        pointedHandY -= 5;

    // have hand come and touch remote again to play music on record player
    if (count > 165 & count < 173) { // hand comes to push button
        pointedHandX = 236;
        pointedHandY -= 5;
    if (count > 185 & count < 213) { // hand moves away
        pointedHandY += 5;
    if (count > 174) { // show music notes and play music
        image(musicNotes, 80, 70, 50, 50);
    if (count == 175) {;

function tvOn() {
    if (screen == true) { // tv shows pink screen with flower when on
        image(tvScreen, 205, 145, 135, 90);
    if (screen == false) { // tv is black when off
        rect(205, 145, 134, 80, 8);

function catMouth() {

    if (mouth == true) { // mouth closed when sitting
        line(220, 307, 225, 307); // white cat
        line(81, 276, 84, 276); // orange cat

    } else if (mouth == false) { // mouth open when meowing
        ellipse(223, 307, 5, 5); // white cat
        ellipse(83, 276, 3, 3); // orange cat

        // sound marks for white cat
        stroke(255, 255, 0);
        line(260, 280, 270, 265);
        line(250, 280, 250, 265);
        line(240, 283, 230, 268);

        // sound marks for orange cat
        line(60, 238, 60, 251);
        line(50, 251, 45, 238);
        line(43, 253, 30, 240);

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