Looking Outwards – 11

Mouna Andras studied film, digital media, and storytelling. She met up with Melissa Mongiat in Montreal, where they decided to start working on projects together due to their complementary backgrounds. Together, they co-founded Daily Tous Les Joures, which aims to create collective experiences for public spaces. In other words, they use physical spaces to create something meaningful for the public people.

One project, in particular, is called Musical Swings. Musical Swings are swings that start playing musical pieces when people interact, even transforming when people swing in synochrony. Whle this was meant to be a one-off project, the artists ended up building the swings in a multitude of public areas. This is because they saw the people’s positive reactions and interactions with the project. I admire their project because it invites people to use their imagination again and feel enchanted when they interact with the piece. Being able to garner those reactions from people who consume their art is definitely not an easy feat.

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