Project-11: Landscape ~ The Up Movie

For my project this week, I wanted to make something that wouldn’t have the most common approach among the class. I figured that a lot of people would look to do a horizontal landscape, where there is a lot of movement with the X position. Therefore, I decided to do the house from Up but moving vertically!

I referred to images of the actual house from the Up animation to try to recreate it with shapes. This was not too difficult because I have gotten used to recreating specific images through layering shapes in p5js. However, the most difficulty I had with this assignment was with making the clouds reappear after they disappear off of the canvas. (I actually had to go to OH for a while for this.. thanks Peter for the help.)

One thing I wish I could have done differently though, is thinking through the concept more. Once I had basically established all of the objects I made, and had movement, I realized that by making the house go “into the sky” there wasn’t much more detail I could add other than birds. I guess with doing things horizontally, there are a lot more realistic features you could add that would make sense (such as mountains or trees).

//Annie Kim
//Section B

var balloon = []; 
var cloud = [];
var bird = [];
var a = 430; //height at which ground is started

function setup() {
    createCanvas(340, 480);
    //create an initial collection of clouds:
    for (var j = 0; j < 15; j ++) {
    	cloud[j] = makeCloud();
    //create initial collection of balloons:
    for (var i = 0; i < 100; i ++) {
   		balloon[i] = makeBalloon();
    //create initial collection of birds:
    for (var k = 0; k < 5; k ++) {
    	bird[k] = new Object();
    	//set its properties
    	bird[k].x = random(-10, 340);
    	bird[k].y = random(0, 250);
    	bird[k].dx = random(-2, 2);
    	bird[k].dy = random(-2, 2);

function draw() {
	background(143, 214, 236); //light blue sky color
	for (var i = 0; i < 4; i ++) {
		bird[i].x += bird[i].dx;

function updateAndDisplayBalloons() { 
//will update and place the balloons:
	for (var i = 0; i < 100; i ++) {

function updateAndDisplayClouds() {
	//update the cloud's positions and display them:
	for (var i = 0; i < 15; i ++) {
		cloud[i].y += cloud[i].dy;

function removeCloudsThatHaveSlippedOutOfView() {
	//will remove clouds that are off the canvas and readd in other helper function
	var cloudsToKeep = [];
	for (var i = 0; i < cloud.length; i ++) {
		if (cloud[i].y < height) {
	cloud = cloudsToKeep;

function addNewCloudsWithSomeRandomProbability() {
	//with a very tiny probability, add a new cloud to the end:
	var newCloudLikelihood = 0.35;
	if (random(0,1) < newCloudLikelihood) {

function cloudMove() {
	this.y += this.dy;
	this.x += this.dx;

function cloudDisplay() {
	circle(this.x, this.y, 40);
	circle(this.x - 25, this.y - 2, 13);
	ellipse(this.x - 35, this.y + 10, 30, 20);
	circle(this.x - 20, this.y + 12, 25);
	ellipse(this.x + 20, this.y + 10, 30, 20);

function balloonDisplay() {
	ellipse(this.x, this.y, 14, 19);
	stroke(255, 100);
	line(this.x, this.y + 9.5, 170, 315);

function balloonMove() {
	this.x += this.dx;
	if (this.x > 250 || this.x < 100) {
		this.dx = -this.dx;

function makeCloud() {
	var cld = 
	{x : random(-50, 370),
	y : random(-100, 240),
	dy : 2,
	dx : 1,
	move : cloudMove,
	display : cloudDisplay}
	return cld;

function makeBalloon() {
	var bln = 
	{x : random(100, 250),
	y : random(100, 230),
	dx : random(-3, 3),
	color : color(random(130, 255), random(130, 255), random(130, 255)),
	move : balloonMove,
	display : balloonDisplay}
	return bln;

function drawHouse() {
	fill(111, 95, 137); //purple color
	quad(120, 315, 220, 315, 240, 360, 100, 360);
	fill(114, 159, 215); //blue color
	rect(120, 360, 100, 20);
	fill(247, 214, 215); //pink color
	rect(120, 380, 100, 50);
	fill(241, 234, 150); //yellow color
	rect(130, 310, 20, 20);
	triangle(130, 310, 150, 310, 140, 300); //left window
	triangle(160, 360, 210, 360, 185, 270); 
	rect(160, 360, 50, 10);
	fill(141, 196, 91); //green color
	rect(160, 370, 50, 60);
	triangle(160, 430, 176, 430, 176, 433);
	triangle(192, 433, 192, 430, 210, 430);
	fill(161, 216, 111);
	rect(176, 370, 17, 63);
	fill(118, 100, 88); //brown color
	rect(135, 395, 20, 35);
	stroke(50, 40, 20);
	rect(137.5, 398, 15, 30);
	line(145, 398, 145, 428);
	line(137.5, 413, 152.5, 413);
	//top left window
	fill(200, 222, 233); //light blue color
	stroke(114, 159, 215); //darker light blue color
	square(135, 315, 10);
	line(140, 315, 140, 325);
	line(135, 320, 145, 320);
	//right window
	rect(175, 325, 20, 30);
	line(175, 345, 195, 345);
	//bay window 1
	rect(162.5, 390, 10, 20);
	rect(179.5, 392, 10, 20);
	rect(196.5, 390, 10, 20);

function drawGround() {
	fill(126, 182, 128);
	rect(0, a, 340, 50);
	//ground "take-off"
	a += 1;

function drawBirds(b) {
	arc(b.x, b.y, 25, 20, PI + QUARTER_PI, 0, OPEN);
	arc(b.x + 24, b.y, 25, 15, PI, QUARTER_PI - HALF_PI, OPEN);
	b.x += b.dx;
	b.y += b.dy;
	//if bird goes off canvas, it'll come back opposite
	if (b.x > width + 25 || b.x < -25) {
		b.dx = -b.dx;
		b.dy = -b.dy;

Here is the reference image of the house from Up that I was using. Obviously I did not include all the small details of the house, but tried my best to make it as similar and recognizable as possible.
I started by creating this house first in a helper function, and this is what my canvas looked like before I added the objects.
Here is how I was drawing out my work and writing it out. I usually like to match all the colors I want first and then take note of what the RGB combo is.

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