Project 11: Landscape

For this week’s project, I really wanted to get away from the craziness of the semester and portray the calming view from the beach house my cousins and I used to go to. I have really vivid memories of sitting on the porch, eating fruit while watching the fireflies and water wade in and out at nighttime: something I wish I could be doing right now.

// Susie Kim
// Section A
// Project 11

// set global variables
var landSpeed = 0.001;
var landFlow = 0.005;

var firefly = [];

var fWidth = 50;
var fLeft = 27 - fWidth;

// load in images for background
function preload() {
	feet = loadImage('');
	fruit = loadImage('');
	cloud = loadImage('');

function setup() {
    createCanvas(400, 480);
	background(29, 51, 81);

    // create fireflies at random locations on canvas
    for (var i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
    	var xLocation = random(20, 380);
    	var yLocation = random(0, 360);
    	firefly[i] = makeFireflies(xLocation, yLocation);

function draw() {
	background(29, 51, 81);

	image(cloud, width/2, height/2-65, width-20, height-20); // background cloud image

	// blue water
	fill(147, 169, 209);
	rect(0, 200, 400, 200);

    // call upon functions to draw land, foreground, and update fireflies

// draws front foreground porch, feet, and fruit dish
function createForeground() {
	fill(188, 158, 130);
	stroke(124, 87, 61);

	// create porch base
	rect(0, 360, 400, 120);
	rect(0, 350, 400, 10);
	rect(0, 0, 30, 355);
	rect(370, 0, 30, 355);

	// insert self-drawn images of feet laying on porch and fruit
	image(feet, 100, 405, 150, 150);
	image(fruit, 300, 410, 125, 125);

// draws undulating sand landscape
function land() {
	fill(249, 228, 183);

	vertex(0, height);

	// undulating line of sandscape
	for (var x = 0; x < width; x++) {
		var a = (x*landFlow) + (millis()*landSpeed);
		var y = map(noise(a), 0, 1, height*12/20, height*11/20);
		vertex (x, y);

	vertex(width, height);

// draws fireflies
function drawFirefly() {
	fill(255, 245, 0, 100);

	translate(this.x1, this.y1); // allows fireflies to move depending on function
	scale(this.fireflySize); // allows fireflies to be scalable depending on make function
	ellipse(50, 50, 10, 10);
	ellipse(50, 50, 5, 5);


// summons fireflies at given location with variables
function makeFireflies(xlocation, ylocation) {
	var makeFirefly = {x1: xlocation,
					   y1: ylocation,
					   fireflySize: random(0.25, 2),
					   speed: -1,
					   move: moveFirefly,
					   draw: drawFirefly}
	return makeFirefly;

// makes fireflies move across the page
function moveFirefly() {
	this.x1 += this.speed;
	if (this.x1 <= fLeft) {
		this.x1 += width - fLeft;

// updates the array of fireflies
function updateFirefly() {
	for (i = 0; i < firefly.length; i++) {

Here is the main sketch that I did for this project:

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