Micro Wave

Simple State Machine:

A microwave has multiple states: OFF, COOKING, and DONE, ALERT USER. Part of this system is that by opening the door of the microwave, the cooking and alerting user states can be stopped.


For those who are deaf or are hard of hearing, knowing when a microwave is done cooking is not perceived because normally the microwave beeps to notify the user.

General Solution:

A visualization means that would inform a user of the state that the microwave is in even when they aren’t watching the microwave itself.

Proof of Concept:

A Sparkfun Redboard Turbo with a potentiometer and switch. The potentiometer allows the user to control the amount of time the microwave is cooking. The switch allows the user to start and stop the microwave. In this case, the LED embedded in the Sparkfun Redboard Turbo board will be used to represent the state of the microwave.

Fritzing Sketch:

The Fritzing sketch shows diagrammatically how the Sparkfun Redboard Turbo would be connected to the potentiometer and switch. Not pictured is the LED embedded light on the actual Sparkfun Redboard that would be operated through code.





Author: Alex Lin

5th Year B. Arch Student

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