Class notes: 1 October, 2019

Kinetics 1

Consider the size of physical control related to other controls and the context for the controls.

Is there physical feedback that you’ve used a control or do you have to look at a screen to know the effects of your control change?

Is physical feedback encoded — one buzz is a phone call, two buzzes is a text message — or is it just an alert to request that you look at a screen?

Controls can be stylistic or even skeumorphic: cars that look like airplanes vs. boxy economy cars.

We fly spacecraft with computers, there are no joysticks ala Star Wars or any other movie that uses WWII airplane controls to navigate in space.   However, on the Enterprise…

MIX MECHANICAL AND OTHER CONTROLS WHERE APPROPRIATE Mechanical controls are better for some uses, though they can’t as easily serve multiple functions. Nonmechanical controls, like touch-screen buttons, are easier to change into other controls but don’t offer the same kind of haptic feedback, making them impossible to identify without looking at them and creating questions about whether they’ve been actuated. Design interfaces with an appropriate combination that best fits the various uses and characteristics.

– Shedroff, Nathan. Make It So: Interaction Design Lessons from Science Fiction (p. 26). Rosenfeld Media. Kindle Edition.

Data filtering and cleanup

look at input over time for kinetic outputs

How do you smooth data, similar to what I showed on the whiteboard?

Reading assignment

Arudino tutotorial on simple smoothing

20 minute tutorial on smoothing analog input

Find some examples of data over time that you can interact with, not just respond to.  ex: weather forecast changes your todo list so your outdoor errands happen when it’s not raining.

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