Person In Time Proposal

My dad once mentioned to me that he used to tell people their fortunes by reading their palms. Ever since, I had been intrigued by the shapes and patterns I could find on and under people’s hands.

For my Person in Time project, I want to capture similarities between the forms created by lines in the hands and the organic compositions of trees. I am thinking of taking pictures of people’s hands using both a regular DSLR and Near-Infrared Imaging techniques. The DSLR will capture the contours and lines in someone’s hands and I will use those to form trunks of “trees”. The Near-Infrared Images will allow me to capture people’s veins. I will create branches for these trees by separating and collaging these formations. My hopes are to gather enough sets of images to create a whole entire “forest” of these trees. 

I’d either present them all as one image, or as a dizzying video which starts slow and later moves faster and faster through the forest (like at 0:25 of