
I know what I want to try and experiment with in this project but I don’t have a very concrete concept or a particular idea yet. I do have a few thoughts.

What I want to try: cinematic slow motion video capture of people. I want to explore the possibility of making cinematic shots of people using ultra slo-mo cameras (going beyond what’s usually seen in movies.)

Thoughts/potential ideas:

  1. Capturing people’s expressions and actions when they are hanging out with friends. When people place themselves in a social environment, a lot is going on very fast with their micro expressions and minute actions, which are usually overlooked by other participants of the same social interaction. By recording the interaction with a high-speed camera (~700fps,) I want to capture these moments and present them in a short film that encapsulates an encounter in a different way (as opposed to capturing the content of their conversation, which is the usual view.) Also entertaining the possibility of using the robot arm to introduce fast (but normal speed when viewed in slow motion) camera movements, but the distraction of a gigantic robot arm swinging at 2m/s just a few feet away needs to be considered carefully.
  2. Heartbeat city: capturing the AC flickering of city lights reduced to heart rate as people passes by. This should be around 1300fps (24fps * 60hz * 60 /  70bpm) although I could do slower. At this fps, people are barely moving. So the usually static city will have more actions then the usually dynamic human, flipping the common perception of the mobile vs the static.