Final Project – Marimonda

For my final project, I want to extend (and finalize) the work done for my second project, which explored the UR5 as an expressive capturing device using real time communication. Because of limitations and struggles with RoboDK, networking and scheduling I didn’t have the opportunity to see this project fully realized. I learned a lot from my explorations with my second project, from understanding the basics of robot arms to learning about real-time control mechanisms.

Goal #1: I want to perfect a system to capture myself or others as a subject without a need for a cameraman or woman.  This is in essence a completion of my second project, but also a refinement of the systems I was already working with. I will be working with TCP/IP control of the robot using Python.

Goal #2: I want this system to support storytelling. I think having the ability of having a robot autonomously follow you provides an interesting avenue for a creative story that can be told. I don’t want this project just to be a capturing device, but I want to get to the core of what I want to capture. I think that question still needs refinement, and part of my final project will be getting towards that point. But for Goal 2, I need to finish Goal 1.

What has been done? What needs to be done?

I was able to control the robot through TCP/IP and Python relatively well, I need to extend the system I have to support real time interaction through camera feedback. But the networking aspect of that, which is the trickiest part for me, has been figured out. So this weekend I will try my best to finalize this system (Goal 1), so I can begin hacking away at Goal 2 after Thanksgiving.