frankenstein’s monster / roach – miniverse

For my project I wanted to do an interactive installation

My initial idea was an app on a large monitor

app would take real time footage of passerbys and crop their body part and assemble a single Frankenstein body from them. Ex: left leg from person A, right leg from person B

concept: have fun with friends in front of this exhibit

However, finding a real time frame to frame stable multi person limb segmenter ML model is difficult. There’s no way for me to really train one   these models are produced by like teams at google.

 So I pivoted to a slightly different concept:


This is a one person interactive exhibit

Here’s me interacting with this, real time:





It roachifies the participant by segmenting out the arms and the legs and then sticking it onto the torso of a roach!

It rotates your limbs so that your thigh and upper arm can’t move, they are permanently affixed at angles becoming of a roach. Kafkaesque?

Why a roach?

This is a one person concept and I was running a little low on time

I wanted to maintain an element of play and bugs are funny.

Also when I was working with the original frankenstein’s monster concept the limbs were affixed at a certain angle in a certain location, very much like a pinned bug.


my code:

all the code is in

I wrote most of it