Looking Outwards into a geometric universe

The Portals series by Anthony James Studio presents sculptures made of stainless steel, glass, and LED lights shown in the video. The glass and LED lights are placed in a structured way that creates recurring geometric patterns to infinity through chains of light reflection.

The Portals immerses viewers into an infinite space of light and geometry. The space inside the frame remains still and fixed as the viewers move around the sculpture. It is interesting to note how this creates an optical illusion that this infinite, otherworldly universe is captured in a confined steel frame. It is a mesmerizing experience as if the viewers are observing another universe as an outsider.

The current Portals series uses an unfamiliar subject (bright LED lights forming geometric shapes) that does not exist naturally in our world. I wonder how this concept of confined infinity would immerse viewers differently when the recurring subject inside the frame is something more realistic or personalized experience, for example, a fraction of one’s experience captured through a camera.