Improvisational Weaving : The Deeper Dive – Jesse Wallace

For my first weaving, I decided to use two scarves – one my mother gave me, and one my father gave me. I enjoyed thinking about the origin of the objects I own, and based off of that I eventually built the piece up to consist of many objects that are common and everyday, but that I need a lot in life. Those include: an iPhone charger, my painters tape, label maker, and post it notes.

For the next pieces, I wanted to use my new weaving skills to add some cool decor to my apartment. I asked my roommate if I could use her record box and add a simple weaving to it for a pop of color. I also used a skull I recently 3D printed, and added some color through weaving as well. The skull piece turned out interesting to me because the weaving kind of looks like a bandage.