Self Portrait: Jaclyn Saik

For my self portrait, I wanted to play with the simple shape tools I understood in this program to create shadows, so that I could block out more of the details on my face in an interesting way (as opposed to outlining them with the stoke). When creating this, I learned that the program runs a lot like a physical canvas in the sense that everything is layered on top of each other. It reminds me of painting, since objects/shapes that I want in front of everything else come last in the code and I have to direct which color each one is, even if that color has been used previously in the artwork.

Self Portrait work

function setup() {
    createCanvas(620, 620);
    background(86, 116, 159);
    //text("p5.min.js vers 0.7.1 test.", 10, 15);

function draw() {
    s = color(253, 217, 147)
    l = color(255, 242, 216)
    d = color(233, 180, 90)
    g = color(98, 187, 70)

    ellipse(443, 251, 724, 785)
    rect(336, -70, 352, 697)
    triangle(244, 425, 336, 207, 336, 425)
    triangle(336, 425, 344, 380, 391, 425)

    triangle(224, 314, 260, 341, 285, 292)

    ellipse(196, 256, 168, 98)
    ellipse(205, 251, 168, 98)
    ellipse(239, 244, 73, 73)

    ellipse(473, 256, 168, 98)
    ellipse(482, 251, 168, 98)
    fill(0, 0, 114)
    ellipse(529, 244, 40, 40)

    rect(121, 184, 193, 46)
    rect(391, 184, 193, 46)

    triangle(336, 204, 467, 158, 596, 195)

    fill(137, 183, 226)
    triangle(262, 499, 336, 466, 336, 500)
    fill(182, 215, 241)
    triangle(336, 466, 336, 500, 438, 500)
    fill(86, 116, 159)
    triangle(262, 499, 336, 543, 336, 500)
    fill(114, 155, 204)
    triangle(336, 500, 336, 543, 438, 500)


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