Daniel Teague – Looking Outward 03

From “Towards Resiliency of Post-Soviet City Networks”
From “Towards Resiliency of Post-Soviet City Networks”


Name of Creator: Dana Cupkova

Project: Advanced Synthesis Option Studios? (Didn’t seem entirely clear if this was the name of the project or the program certain projects fell under)

I clicked on this because of the interesting picture it had and its description, the latter of which is in the captions of both of the embedded pictures, and the former of which is the second embedded picture. The description the project page provided was interesting, talking about our need to change our approach towards design, architecture, and the environment as it becomes increasingly clear that humanity is having a major, and often negative, impact on the Earth’s biosphere. The project is supposed to help students test and practice new ideas and methods in this context.

However, while this was incredibly interesting, it failed to provide links to and clear, obvious examples of the works of students who have participated in this project. Indeed, my confusion with whether this is an actual project or just a program was due to said failure, especially as it was clear there are works by previous students.

That said, the algorithms involved in any of the works in this project obviously included some connection to the environment in which the works would take place, and it was clear the author (or possibly director) had a great interest in the interaction between civilization and the world around it.

Note: While it was clear this project was at least a few years old, with references to at least 2015 and 2016, there was no clear statement of when the project was started.

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