Jason Zhu-Project-04-String-Art


/* Jason ZHu
Section E

function setup() {
    createCanvas(400, 300);

    //twisted white lines
    for (var a = 0; a <300; a += 10){
        var x1 = 0 - a * 10
        var y1 = height - a * 10
        var x2 = a + 300
        var y2 = a + height/2

    //blue curved lines
    for (var b = 50; b < width; b += 10) {
        line(b, 0, 150, b);

    // light orange rectangle
    for (var c = 250; c < 400; c += 5){

    //orange rays
    for (var d = 0; d < width; d += 15) {
        line(250,75, d, 0);

    // yellow lower left warp
    for (var e = width; e > 0; e -= 15) {
        line(e,300, 0, e);

     // yellow lower left warp
    for (var f = width; f > 0; f -= 15) {
        line(400,f, f, 0);

For this assignment, I wanted to push my boundaries by exploring variations in color and form. As someone who tends to be more conservative and narrowed in my thinking (aesthetically speaking), I wanted to see what I could come up with if those preconditions were tossed aside. I contrasted blues with reds and mixed in some yellows as well. I also wanted the white lines to serve to divide the campus and create a dynamic centerpiece that underlaid the red and yellow portions. In this way, I think I pushed myself further in terms of coding and aesthetics. By going against my norms, I was able to reinforce what I thought looks good while also exploring new means.

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