Connor McGaffin – Looking Outwards – 05

“Flume – v” (2016)

Jonathan Zawada is a motion graphics artist who has done work at very corporate and independent levels. Much of his work, similar to other artists featured as “Looking Outwards” suggestions, is based around organic form in the natural world. What sets Zawada’s work apart from others for me though is that the blurring of organic and artificial is very visually apparent. In other works when I’ve referred to this relationship, it has been as organic objects being portrayed through digital coding.

Although I am unfamiliar with the field of 3-D motion graphics, it is evident that there are multiple layers to what is being displayed. In the embedded music video, there were quick cuts between simulations of metallic stem growth and chain link interactions, oftentimes with the two of them physically overlapping in a layer-like nature. From this, I would assume that there were different sequences of code for each of the elements in the video, which are triggered in response to drastic changes in pitch, tempo, or bass.


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