Lingfan Jiang—Project 12—Proposal

For the final project, Kai Zhang and I are planning to build a web game that resembles something similar to the game that was popular in 2014 on mobile platforms -Flappy Bird. The only thing that the player needs to do is to tap the screen so that the bird flaps the wings and ascend to avoid falling or obstacles.

Image result for flappy bird

The idea of the game would be similar, but the style of the graphics would definitely be more original. Also,  additional to the original game, we are thinking about adding more operations into the game. For example, the bird is able to spit out bullets to destroy the cloest obstacle, but the bullets would be limited to a certain number.

Since we decided to do a collaborative project, one person might focus on the generative background and the scoring system. The other one might focus on the general movement of the bird, but more detailed ways of collaboration might be mentioned more in the next post.

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