
For this week’s LO, I decided to revisit my friend Sean’s LO from Week 3, in which he wrote about BLOOMS, a group of sculptural computer fabricated pieces by John Edmark that was created around 4 years ago.

Sean mostly covered all the basics of the project, but upon more research, I was surprised to find out that the forms of the pieces are actually each based on a different algorithm, such as the Fibonnaci sequence or the golden rectangle/angle. Additionally, while Sean described the process that Edmark uses to create videos pretty accurately, I was surprised to learn that the timing between each frame is created using progressive rotations of the golden ratio, also known as phi. This angle and shape is mostly commonly seen in sunflower centers and pinecone-like forms in nature. I found it interesting that everything from the form to the frame timing ties in together to create nature-like forms in the final product: some of the forms even look like pinecones or something that could be found in a cellular structure of something. 

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