LO-06: Randomness

The project I chose to focus on this week is Tim Knowles’ Civita 24 hour Balloon Drawing. I admire this artwork because of its uniqueness. Knowles’ method of incorporating randomness made his final piece very unconventional but also very simple. To make his drawing, Knowles attached a pen to a helium balloon whose motions were “randomly” generated by the wind movements during the day which drew on a 24 meter long slowly moving paper throughout the day. Although wind movements are not completely random, there was a lot of variability in his final 24-meter long drawing which highlighted the balloon’s “random” movements. Knowles’ artistic sensibilities are manifested in the final piece since, like many of his other artworks, he incorporates nature as an art tool to produce very simple but unique pieces.

Civita 24 Hour Balloon Drawing (Tim Knowles, 2001)

Project-06-Abstract Clock

For my abstract clock, I decided to use the concept of a flower garden. The flowers appear once per minute and change color every hour. I also wanted to incorporate day and night in my clock so I made the sky and grass get lighter and darker depending on the hour of the day (ex: from midnight to noon, they get lighter). To incorporate seconds, I added a butterfly that takes 1 minute to move completely across the canvas (flying forward every second).

var flowerX = []; // flower x positions
var flowerY = []; // flower y positions
var flowerColor = []; // 24 colors (different color per hour)
var grass = []; // stores shade of grass (changes once per hour)
var sky = []; // stores shade of sky (changes once per hour like grass)

// flower r, g, b
var flowerR = 80; 255, 136, 136
var flowerG = 0;
var flowerB = 215;

// grass r, g, b
var grassR = 10; 
var grassG =  90;
var grassB = 30;

// sky r, g, b
var skyR = 25; 
var skyG = 50; 
var skyB = 90;

// butterfly positions
var butterflyX = 0;
var butterflyY = 60;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 400);
    for(var i = 0; i < 24; i ++) { // initialize arrays of elements that change every hour
    	flowerColor[i] = color(flowerR, flowerG, flowerB);
    	grass[i] = color(grassR, grassG, grassB);
    	sky[i] = color(skyR, skyG, skyB);

    	if(i > 12) { // gets darker past noon (day to night)
    		grassR -= 3;
	    	grassG -= 11;
	    	grassB -= 5;
	    	flowerG += 9;
	    	flowerR -= 10;

	    	skyR -= 10;
	    	skyG -= 12;
	    	skyB -= 14;
    	else { // gets brighter from midnight (night to day)
    		grassR += 3;
	    	grassG += 11;
	    	grassB += 5;
	    	flowerB += 10;

	    	skyR += 10;
	    	skyG += 12;
	    	skyB += 14;
    for(var i = 0; i < 60; i ++) { // once per minute
    	if(i%10 == 0) { // first column of flowers
    		flowerX[i] = 60;
    	else { // all other columns
    		flowerX[i] = flowerX[i - 1] + width/12;
    	if(i <= 9) { // first row of flowers
    		flowerY[i] = 2*height/5;
    	else { // all other rows
    		flowerY[i] = flowerY[i - 10] + width/12;

function drawFlower() {
	// petals
	var theta = 0;
	var x = 10*cos(radians(theta));
	var y = 10*sin(radians(theta));
	for(var i = 0; i < 8; i ++) {
		ellipse(x, y, 10, 10);
		theta += 45;
	// center
	circle(0, 0, 13);

function drawButterfly() {
	fill(255, 192, 204);
	ellipse(0, 0, 20, 20);
	ellipse(0, 20, 20, 20);
	fill(255, 170, 180);
	ellipse(15, 0, 30, 35);
	ellipse(15, 20, 30, 35);
	stroke(87, 39, 26);
	line(-6, 10, 26, 10);
	line(26, 10, 36, 5);
	line(26, 10, 36, 15);

function draw() {

	// background changes by hour

	// grass changes by hour
	rect(0, height/3, width, 2*height/3);

	// draw flower once per minute 
	for(var i = 0; i < minute(); i ++) {
		translate(flowerX[i], flowerY[i]);

	// butterfly moves across screen once per minute
	translate(map(second(), 0, 60, -15, width + 10), butterflyY);

sketch on goodnotes

Looking Outwards-05: 3D Computer Graphics

The 3D Computer Graphics project I chose to focus on was Generation Gap by Mike Campau. This project captured my attention because of how realistic the renderings were–I had to get a really good look to believe it was all computer graphics. The images were also colored in a way to invoke nostalgia, as he was depicting objects from his childhood. I admire it because of Campau’s ability to use CG to substitute photography. Like his other works, I believe Campau used photography as a baseline and used CGI programs to mimic the effects of a real photo. With rendering, he was able to emphasize the highlights, shadows, and small details to make the images come to life. Mike Campau’s artistic sensibilities are manifested in this project since, like in his other works, he captures the realness of the objects he produces through CG, to make the final outcome like a real photo.

Project 05: Wallpaper

This wallpaper was inspired by a phone case I recently purchased online. Watermelons are one of my favorite fruits and green is my favorite color so I thought it’d be fun to code this design. To make it more dynamic, I decided to make the positions of the watermelons somewhat random and the placement of the seeds random inside so that each slice is unique.

function setup() {
    createCanvas(600, 400);
    background(101, 173, 119); // green background
    for(var x = 0; x <= width; x += 20){ // vertical stripes
    	stroke(136, 213, 156);
    	line(x, 0, x, height);
    for(var y = 0; y <= height; y += 20){ // horizontal stripes
    	stroke(136, 213, 156);
    	line(0, y, width, y);


function watermelonHalf() { // draw watermelon halves
	rotate(radians(random(-30, 30))); // random position
	fill(38, 144, 65);
	arc(0, 0, 60, 60, 0, PI); // green part
	arc(0, 0, 55, 55, 0, PI); // white part
	fill(236, 80, 102);
	arc(0, 0, 50, 50, 0, PI); // red part
	for(var seeds = 0; seeds <= 5; seeds += 1){ // random seed positions
		ellipse(random(-20, 20), random(5, 15), 2, 3);

function watermelonSlice() { // draw watermelon slices
	//triangular slice
	rotate(radians(random(60, 90))); // random position
	fill(38, 144, 65);
	arc(0, 0, 70, 70, 0, PI/3); // green
	arc(0, 0, 65, 65, 0, PI/3); // white
	fill(236, 80, 102);
	arc(0, 0, 60, 60, 0, PI/3); // red 
	for(var seeds = 0; seeds <= 2; seeds += 1){ // seeds
		ellipse(random(15, 20), random(5, 20), 2, 3);

var column = 0; // column counter to alternate 
function draw() {
	for(var x = 30; x <= width; x += 80){
		if(column%2 == 0){ // if odd number columns
			for(var y = 0; y <= height; y += 120){ // first slice
				translate(x, y);
			for(var y = 60; y <= height; y += 120){ // second half
				translate(x, y);
			column += 1; // add to column counter
		else{ // if even number columns
			for(var y = 0; y <= height; y += 120){ // first half
				translate(x, y);
			for(var y = 60; y <= height; y += 120){ // second slice
				translate(x, y);
			column += 1; // add to counter

Project-04: String Art


function setup() {
	createCanvas(400, 300);

// ufo light variables 
var dx1;
var dy1;
var dx2;
var dy2;
var numLines = 50;
var angle = 0;

function draw() {
	background(20, 0, 50, 50); // opacity at 50 for shadow effect on ufo

	// trees 2 (same pattern as above)
	stroke(55, 126, 28) // dark green
	var tree2total = 8;
	var tree2x1 = 0;
	var tree2y1 = 150;
	var tree2numLines = 30;
	var tree2dx1;
	var tree2dy1;
	var tree2dx2;
	var tree2dy2;
	for(var i = 0; i <= tree2total; i += 1) {
		line(tree2x1, height, tree2x1 + 25, tree2y1);
		line(tree2x1 + 25, tree2y1, tree2x1, height);
		tree2x1 += 50;
		tree2dx1 = 25/tree2numLines;
		tree2dy1 = 150/tree2numLines;
		tree2dx2 = -25/tree2numLines;
		tree2dy2 = -150/tree2numLines;
		var tree2linesx1 = tree2x1 - 50;
		var tree2linesy1 = height;
		var tree2linesx2 = tree2x1 - 25;
		var tree2linesy2 = tree2y1;
		for(var j = 0; j <= tree2numLines; j += 1) {
			line(tree2linesx1, tree2linesy1, tree2linesx2, tree2linesy2); 
			line(tree2linesx1 - 25, tree2linesy2, tree2linesx2 - 25, tree2linesy1); //fill tree w lines from both sides
			tree2linesx1 += tree2dx1;
		    tree2linesy1 += tree2dy1;
		    tree2linesx2 -= tree2dx2;
		    tree2linesy2 -= tree2dy2;
	// trees 1
	stroke(116, 198, 55) // green
	var treetotal = 8; // number of iterations of trees
	var treex1 = -20; // starting tree line location
	var treey1 = 170;
	var treenumLines = 20;
	var treedx1;
	var treedy1;
	var treedx2;
	var treedy2;
	for(var i = 0; i <= treetotal; i += 1) { // iterating through trees 
		line(treex1, height, treex1 + 25, treey1); // starting lines
		line(treex1 + 25, treey1, treex1, height);
		treex1 += 50; // next tree x location
		treedx1 = 25/treenumLines;
		treedy1 = 130/treenumLines;
		treedx2 = -25/treenumLines;
		treedy2 = -130/treenumLines;

		var treelinesx1 = treex1 - 50; // lines to fill trees
		var treelinesy1 = height;
		var treelinesx2 = treex1 - 25;
		var treelinesy2 = treey1;
		for(var j = 0; j <= treenumLines; j += 1) { // iterating through fill lines
			line(treelinesx1, treelinesy1, treelinesx2, treelinesy2); 
			line(treelinesx1 - 25, treelinesy2, treelinesx2 - 25, treelinesy1); //fill tree w lines from both sides
			treelinesx1 += treedx1;
		    treelinesy1 += treedy1;
		    treelinesx2 -= treedx2;
		    treelinesy2 -= treedy2;

	randomSeed(104); //prevents completely random stars each iteration
	var stars = 100; // stars to be drawn
	for( var i = 0; i <= stars; i += 1) { //iterating to draw each star 
		circle(random(400), random(300), random(4)) //random size and placement of stars in sky 

	// spinning abducted snowman
	translate(mouseX, 220); // to spin around center of snowman
	ellipse(0, -10, 10, 10); // top
	translate(mouseX, 220);
	ellipse(0, 0, 15, 15); // middle
	translate(mouseX, 220);
	ellipse(0, 10, 18, 18); // bottom
	angle += 2; // to spin slowly

	// ufo light (same pattern as trees but no iterations)
	stroke(249, 224, 45, 50); // opacity is lighter (like light)
	line(mouseX, 50, mouseX -50, height); // depends on mouseX position
	line(mouseX + 50, height, mouseX, 50);
 	dx1 = -50/numLines;
	dy1 = (height - 50)/numLines;
	dx2 = -50/numLines;
	dy2 = (50 - height)/numLines;
	//ufo light lines 
	var x1 = mouseX;
	var y1 = 50;
	var x2 = mouseX + 50;
	var y2 = height;
	for( var i = 0; i <= numLines; i += 1) {
		line(x1, y1, x2, y2);
		line(x1 - 50, y2, x2 - 50, y1);
		x1 += dx1;
        y1 += dy1;
        x2 -= dx2;
        y2 -= dy2;

	fill(220, 226, 248);
	ellipse(mouseX, 60, 100, 30);
	ellipse(mouseX, 50, 50, 40);
	fill(249, 45, 218);
	circle(mouseX, 30, 10);

For this project, I thought a spotlight can be aesthetically shown using string art. To make it more interesting and fun, I decided to make the spotlight come down from a UFO abducting a snowman that can move by the x position of the mouse. I also thought pine trees can be drawn using string art so I made a forest of them using for loops.

Looking Outwards 04: Sound Art

The project that I chose to focus on was the Synth Play by Yuri Suzuki in collaboration with Raven, a Chinese tech company focused on developing operating systems using AI and new interactions. I chose this project because like all of Suzuki’s other works, it captured my attention by how he is able to make something as complex as music creating technology into something even a small child can use. I love the accessibility of understanding and interacting with his work since it lets everyone enjoy his installations, not just those with more knowledge in a specific area. The algorithms used to generate the work is similar to how a regular synthesizer works to create or modify music. However, by applying sensors to the inflatables, it makes the experience interactive. Suzuki’s artistic sensibilities manifest in the final outcome of this project since, like his previous works, he chose to focus on creating music and easy accessibility.

Project-03: Dynamic Drawing

My project for this week is loosely inspired by a kaleidoscope. I wanted to make an intricate design but due to my limited knowledge of p5.js, I decided to stick with just squares and ellipses. By piling them over and over and varying them by sizes, shapes, rotation speed, and colors based on the mouse position, I was able to achieve a fun, colorful kaleidoscope design.

function setup() {
    createCanvas(600, 450); 
    text("p5.js vers 0.9.0 test.", 10, 15);

var x = 0;
var y = 0;
var angle = 0;

function draw() { 
	var mX = max(min(mouseX, 600), 0); //constraint of canvas width
	var size = mX * (5/6); //sizes vary based on mouseX
	var mY = max(min(mouseY, 450), 0); //constraint of canvas height
	var sizeY = mY * (5/6); //sizes vary based on mouseY

	//square shapes based on mouseX
	fill(mouseY*255/height, mouseX*255/width, max(mouseX, mouseY)*255/500); //color of object depends on mouse position
	rect(x,y, 3*size/2, 3*size/2);	//biggest square
	fill(mouseX*255/width, mouseY*255/height, max(mouseX, mouseY)*255/500); 
	rect(x,y, size, size);	//big square
	fill(mouseY*255/height, max(mouseX, mouseY)*255/500, mouseX*255/width); 
	rect(x,y, 3*size/4, 3*size/4);  //medium square
	fill(max(mouseX, mouseY)*255/500, mouseX*255/width, mouseY*255/height);
	rect(x,y, 5*size/12, 5*size/12); //small square
	fill(max(mouseX, mouseY)*255/500, mouseY*255/height, mouseX*255/width);
	rect(x,y, size/5, size/5); //smallest square

	//square shapes based on mouseY (same sizes, colors)
	fill(mouseY*255/height, mouseX*255/width, max(mouseX, mouseY)*255/500); 
	rect(x,y, 3*sizeY/2, 3*sizeY/2);
	fill(mouseX*255/width, mouseY*255/height, max(mouseX, mouseY)*255/500); 
	rect(x,y, sizeY, sizeY);	
	fill(mouseY*255/height, max(mouseX, mouseY)*255/500, mouseX*255/width); 
	rect(x,y, 3*sizeY/4, 3*sizeY/4); 
	fill(max(mouseX, mouseY)*255/500, mouseX*255/width, mouseY*255/height);
	rect(x,y, 5*sizeY/12, 5*sizeY/12);
	fill(max(mouseX, mouseY)*255/500, mouseY*255/height, mouseX*255/width);
	rect(x,y, sizeY/5, sizeY/5);

	//ellipse shapes based on mouseX
	stroke(mouseX*255/width,min(mouseX, mouseY)*255/500, mouseY*255/height);
	ellipse(x,y, 5*size/2, 2*size);
	ellipse(x,y, 2*size, 5*size/2); //biggest ellipses
	stroke(mouseY*255/height, mouseX*255/width, min(mouseX, mouseY)*255/500);
	ellipse(x,y, 3*size/2, size);
	ellipse(x,y, size, 3*size/2); //big ellipses
	stroke(mouseX*255/width, mouseY*255/height, min(mouseX, mouseY)*255/500);
	ellipse(x,y, size, 2*size/3);
	ellipse(x,y, 2*size/3, size); //medium ellipses
	stroke(mouseY*255/height, max(mouseX, mouseY)*255/500, mouseX*255/width);
	ellipse(x,y, 3*size/5, 3*size/4);
	ellipse(x,y, 3*size/4, 3*size/5); //smaller ellipses
	stroke(max(mouseX, mouseY)*255/500, mouseY*255/height, mouseX*255/width);
	ellipse(x,y, size/3, 2*size/9);
	ellipse(x,y, 2*size/9, size/3); //smallest ellipses

	//ellipse shapes based on mouseY (same size, colors)
	stroke(mouseX*255/width,min(mouseX, mouseY)*255/500, mouseY*255/height);
	ellipse(x,y, 5*sizeY/2, 2*sizeY);
	ellipse(x,y, 2*sizeY, 5*sizeY/2);
	stroke(mouseY*255/height, mouseX*255/width, min(mouseX, mouseY)*255/500);
	ellipse(x,y, 3*sizeY/2, sizeY);
	ellipse(x,y, sizeY, 3*sizeY/2);
	stroke(mouseX*255/width, mouseY*255/height, min(mouseX, mouseY)*255/500);
	ellipse(x,y, sizeY, 2*sizeY/3);
	ellipse(x,y, 2*sizeY/3, sizeY);
	stroke(mouseY*255/height, max(mouseX, mouseY)*255/500, mouseX*255/width);
	ellipse(x,y, 3*sizeY/5, 3*sizeY/4);
	ellipse(x,y, 3*sizeY/4, 3*sizeY/5);
	stroke(max(mouseX, mouseY)*255/500, mouseY*255/height, mouseX*255/width);
	ellipse(x,y, sizeY/3, 2*sizeY/9);
	ellipse(x,y, 2*sizeY/9, sizeY/3);

	angle += max(mouseX, mouseY)/ 5; //rotation depends on mouse position


LO-03: Computational Fabrication

The project I chose was Cumulus from the SOFTlab. This project first captured my attention because of its intricate design and overall aesthetic use of lighting. Upon learning more about Cumulus, I admired how interactive it was and how it is able to link sound and light together. I thought it was a unique aspect since it blends two of the five human senses, hearing and seeing. To create this installation, the creator pieced together over 200 acrylic segments with over 100 3D printed joints into a cloud-like shape with a network of LED strands inside. The interactiveness, that is linking sound to light, was achieved by building a user interface programmed with Processing. Like other projects from SOFTlab, Cumulus also takes on a unique, complex shape and is enhanced by lighting but this time with a combination of sound to achieve its final outcome.

Cumulus (SOFTlab, 2015) is an interactive installation that reacts to sound with light.

Project 02- Variable Face

For my project, I decided that instead of coding a typical human face, I wanted to show different animal faces. I wanted the variability to come from the colors of the physical attributes of the animal, its background color, as well as its species! I chose four different animals– a cat, a bear, a koala, and a bunny. I kept the size of their attributes the same since I wanted some consistency with the other randomness.

//Mirie Kim
//section A

function setup() {
    createCanvas(640, 480);
    text("p5.js vers 0.9.0 test.", 10, 15);

var animal = 0;
var backgroundColorR = 230;
var backgroundColorG = 220;
var backgroundColorB = 250;
var headEarColorR = 0;  //and whiskers
var headEarColorG = 0;
var headEarColorB = 0;
var innerEarNoseColorR = 250;  //and  snout
var innerEarNoseColorG = 210;
var innerEarNoseColorB = 230;
var eyeColorR = 0;
var eyeColorG = 0;
var eyeColorB = 0;
var smile = 3;
var bearNoseColorR = 90; //and bunny's
var bearNoseColorG = 209;
var bearNoseColorB = 49;
var smileX = 15;
var smileY = 40;

function draw() {
	if(animal >= 0 & animal < 1){ //cat
		background(backgroundColorR, backgroundColorG, backgroundColorB);
		ellipse(320,240,240,220); //head
		triangle(205,205, 260, 145, 200, 130); //ears
		triangle(435,205, 380, 145, 440, 130);
		fill(innerEarNoseColorR, innerEarNoseColorG, innerEarNoseColorB);
		triangle(215,195, 250, 155, 215, 150); //inside ears
		triangle(425,195, 390, 155, 425, 150); 
		ellipse(260,240, 80, 85); //eyes
		ellipse(380,240, 80, 85);
		ellipse(268,240, 50, 60); //pupils
		ellipse(280,236, 25,35);
		ellipse(360,236 ,25,35);	
		fill(innerEarNoseColorR, innerEarNoseColorG, innerEarNoseColorB);
		triangle(320,280, 310, 270, 330, 270); //nose
		line(390, 285, 460, 280); //whiskers
		line(390, 295, 450, 300);
		line(180, 280, 250, 285);
		line(180, 300, 250, 295);

	else if (animal >= 1 & animal < 2) { //bear
		background(backgroundColorR, backgroundColorG, backgroundColorB);
		ellipse(225,165,90); //ears
		fill(innerEarNoseColorR, innerEarNoseColorG, innerEarNoseColorB);
		ellipse(225,165,50); //inside ears
		ellipse(320,240,240,220); //head
		ellipse(260,240, 80, 85);
		ellipse(380,240, 80, 85);
		ellipse(268,240, 50, 60); //pupils
		ellipse(280,236, 25,35);
		ellipse(360,236 ,25,35);
		fill(innerEarNoseColorR, innerEarNoseColorG, innerEarNoseColorB);
		ellipse(320, 280, 55,40); //snout area
		fill(bearNoseColorR, bearNoseColorG, bearNoseColorB);
		triangle(320,280, 310, 270, 330, 270); 

	else if (animal >= 2 & animal < 3) { //koala
		background(backgroundColorR, backgroundColorG, backgroundColorB);
		ellipse(225,185,140); //ears
		fill(innerEarNoseColorR, innerEarNoseColorG, innerEarNoseColorB);
		ellipse(225,185,80); //inside ears
		ellipse(260,240, 80, 85);
		ellipse(380,240, 80, 85);
		ellipse(268,240, 50, 60); //pupils
		ellipse(280,236, 25,35);
		ellipse(360,236 ,25,35);
		fill(innerEarNoseColorR, innerEarNoseColorG, innerEarNoseColorB);
		ellipse(320,275, 45, 57);

	else if (animal >= 3 & animal < 4) { //bunny
		background(backgroundColorR, backgroundColorG, backgroundColorB);
		ellipse(260,145,60,250); //ears
		ellipse(380,145, 60, 250);
		fill(innerEarNoseColorR, innerEarNoseColorG, innerEarNoseColorB);
		ellipse(260,145,30, 150); //inside ears
		ellipse(380,145,30, 150);
		ellipse(320,240,240,220); //head
		ellipse(260,240, 80, 85);
		ellipse(380,240, 80, 85);
		ellipse(268,240, 50, 60); //pupils
		ellipse(280,236, 25,35);
		ellipse(360,236 ,25,35);
		fill(innerEarNoseColorR, innerEarNoseColorG, innerEarNoseColorB);
		ellipse(320, 280, 55,40); //snout area
		fill(bearNoseColorR, bearNoseColorG, bearNoseColorB);
		triangle(320,280, 310, 270, 330, 270);
		line(390, 285, 460, 280); //whiskers
		line(390, 295, 450, 300);
		line(180, 280, 250, 285);
		line(180, 300, 250, 295);	

function mousePressed() {
	animal = random(0,4); //produces decimal so have to refer to range in if/else statements
	backgroundColorR = random(0,255);
 	backgroundColorG = random(0,255);
 	backgroundColorB = random(0,255);
	headEarColorR = random(0,255);
	headEarColorG = random(0,255);
	headEarColorB = random(0,255);
	innerEarNoseColorR = random(0,255);
	innerEarNoseColorG = random(0,255);
	innerEarNoseColorB = random(0,255);
	eyeColorR = random(0,255);
	eyeColorG = random(0,255);
	eyeColorB = random(0,255);
	bearNoseColorR = random(0,255);
	bearNoseColorG = random(0,255);
	bearNoseColorB = random(0,255);

LO-2-Generative Art

Upon looking through Robert Hodgin’s portfolio, a project that caught my attention was “Star Chart.” This project was completed in April 2020 and is essentially a map of constellations from any time and location. As a statistics major, I study a lot about data so the fact that this project was achieved through the use of astronomical databases piqued my interest. I admire how he was able to take something rather unexciting and imperceptible like a database of numbers and made it into something much more visual and stimulating. This project was a continuation from a previous project of his from 2012 where he plotted about 120,000 different star positions in a 3-D space to mimic the stars surrounding the sun. For this new project, however, he wanted to show the night sky view of the stars so he used stereographic projection, which projects a sphere onto a plane.
Hodgin’s interest in physics and astronomy requires accuracy and precision, which suit perfectly with his methods of using data visualization to create his projects.