
The work that I find inspirational is “Cables” created by Moka. It is the exact work that I like the ways of which the cables are intertwined in an order. Plus, the colors of the background and the cables are all appealing. The cables with light yellow and blue are spread horizontally and the others with pink and deep blue are spread vertically, but we don’t find the whole artwork to be complex, instead I think it is rather neat. I suppose the algorithm that generated the work is a program that can select the colors of the “lines” and the intervals of each color. The lines are probably on different covers so that they seem to be up or below one another. The artist hopes that his works can reveal a similar relationship between us and the machines. The crooked cables are arranged parallel to one another, and I think this is telling the audience how complicated information is transported and how the development of technology is forming our lives in a way that we don’t usually perceive. The different colors of each cable illustrates a different type of material that is transported through cables, whose colorfulness shows that our wonderful and convenient life is a bliss from technologies.

Cables, Moka, 2020


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