Project 02 – Variable Face

Made in honor of the moldy tomato I found at the back of my fridge. Rest in peace.

//Iris Yip
//15104 Section D

var bgColorR=0;
var bgColorG=0;
var bgColorB=0;
var faceWidth=200;
var faceHeight=300;
var eyeShape=0;
var eyeColor=0;
var smileYN=1;
var leafColor=1;
var leafLength=1;
var leafHeight=1;

//I need better names for my variables

function setup() {
  createCanvas(600, 600);

function draw() {
  background(bgColorR, bgColorG, bgColorB)
  fill(225, bgColorB, 110)
    ellipse(300, 300, faceWidth, faceHeight);
    fill(225, bgColorB-20, 120)
  ellipse(300, 316, faceWidth/30, faceHeight-250)
    ellipse(205, 290, (faceWidth/4), (faceHeight/4));
    ellipse(390, 290, (faceWidth/4), (faceHeight/4));
    ellipse(390, 290, 50, 50);
    ellipse(205, 290, 50, 50);
  stroke(225, bgColorB+50, 110)
  arc(270, 380, 120, (smileYN), PI + QUARTER_PI, TWO_PI)
  //leaf things
  fill(bgColorR, 255-(bgColorG/3), (bgColorB-100))
  triangle(leafLength, 150, 300, 130, 240, leafHeight);
  triangle(leafLength, 200, 300, 130, 220, leafHeight);
  triangle(leafLength+20, 150, 300, 130, 200, leafHeight+60);
    text("So Many Tomatoes",width/2,560);

function mousePressed() {
  //background color
    bgColorR = random(120, 130);
  bgColorG = random(80, 90);
    bgColorB = random (110, 120);
  //faceshape change
    faceWidth= random(250,450);
    faceHeight= random (300,300);
  //smile, yes/no
    smileYN= random(2,100);
  //leaf things
    leafHeight=random (120,150);
    leafLength=random (300,340);


The code for this project was relatively simple in terms of creating and using the different shapes, but I did initially have a lot of trouble coming up with colors that still looked different but didn’t clash. I do regret not going in with a plan or initial sketch because I think it inhibited me from trying out more ambitious commands and shapes.

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