project 02-face

var eyeSize = 20;
var eyebrowWidth = 40;
var eyebrowHeight = 10; 
var eyeLX = 80;
var eyeRX = 215;
var eyeHeight = 100;
var blushLX = 80;
var blushRX = 215;
var blushY = 138;
var blushWidth = 65;
var blushHeight = 20;
var mouthLX = 110;
var mouthRX = 178;
var mouthY = 175;
var R = 250;
var G = 100;
var B = 60;
function setup() {
    createCanvas(300, 300);
function draw() {
    background(R, G, B);
    point(280, 70);
    point(150, 40);
    point(50, 60);
    point(35, 100);
    point(20, 150);
    point(90, 260);
    point(180, 255);
    point(250, 270);

    curveVertex(250, 270);
    curveVertex(250, 270);
    curveVertex(280, 70);
    curveVertex(150, 40);
    curveVertex(50, 60);
    curveVertex(35, 100);
    curveVertex(20, 150);
    curveVertex(90, 260);
    curveVertex(180, 255);
    curveVertex(250, 270);
    curveVertex(250, 270);

    endShape(); //shape of the face
    fill(139, 69, 19);
    ellipse(80, 85, eyebrowWidth, eyebrowHeight);
    fill(139, 69, 19);
    ellipse(215, 85, eyebrowWidth, eyebrowHeight); //eyebrow
    fill(0, 0, 0);
    circle(eyeLX, eyeHeight, eyeSize);
    fill(0, 0, 0);
    circle(eyeRX, eyeHeight, eyeSize); //eyes
    fill(250, 128, 114);
    ellipse(blushLX, blushY, blushWidth, blushHeight);
    fill(250, 128, 114);
    ellipse(blushRX, blushY, blushWidth, blushHeight); //blushes
    point(mouthLX, mouthY);
    point(148, 200);
    point(mouthRX, mouthY);

    curveVertex(mouthLX, mouthY);
    curveVertex(mouthLX, mouthY);
    curveVertex(148, 200);
    curveVertex(mouthRX, mouthY);
    curveVertex(mouthRX, mouthY);
    endShape(); //mouth
function mousePressed() {
    eyeSize = random(10, 20);
    eyebrowWidth = random(25, 45);
    eyebrowHeight = random(5, 15); 
    eyeLX = random(60, 80);
    eyeRX = random(200, 220);
    eyeHeight = random(100, 115);
    blushLX = random(70, 95);
    blushRX = random(205, 225);
    blushY = random(130, 140);
    blushWidth = random(30, 70);
    blushHeight = random(20, 35);
    mouthLX = random(100, 140);
    mouthRX = random(170, 210);
    mouthY = random(170, 250); 
    R = color(random(0,255),random(0,255),random(0,255));
    G = color(random(0,255),random(0,255),random(0,255));
    B = color(random(0,255),random(0,255),random(0,255));

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