Looking Outwards 06 – Randomness

Image of “4900 Colours: Version II” in exhibition

Gerhard Richter’s “4900 Colours: Version II” is an artwork of 196 panels that is made up of 5×5 squares. The colors used in these panels are distributed randomly by a computer, and then the panels are randomly arranged by the eyes. The 196 penales can be displayed as one whole artwork together, or it can be arranged at random in sets of four panels (which forms a 10×10 square panel). What’s amazing about this artwork is that the 4,900 colors used in each block of Richter’s artwork are fully randomized by computer, yet they still look very harmonized all together. I can see how the artist incorporates the beauty of randomness into his artwork, and how the artist uses his artistic sensibilities to arrange the panels and create a harmonious and beautiful piece of artwork. I love the fact that his artworks are not limited, and shows a variety of expressions through his artwork by randomly generating colors.

Gerhard Richter’s Website: https://www.gerhard-richter.com/en/art/paintings/abstracts/colour-charts-12

Video of “4900 Colours: Version II” in exhibition

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