Project 9: Portrait

For this week’s project, I decided to abstractly depict a photo of my friend and I using the idea of a bitmap and pixels. I was inspired by various 8-bit art pieces that I had found online, and wanted to make my own interactive interpretation!

Depending on the mouse’s position, you can move around to see the pixels bigger, which ‘magnifies’ and makes clearer whatever part you are toggling over! Additionally, if you click the up and down arrow, you can see the “bitmap pixels” increase or decrease in number, respectively!

// Susie Kim
// Section A
// Project 09

// set variables
var img;
var bitMap;
var grid = 19;

// load image
function preload() {
	var imgURL = "";
	img = loadImage(imgURL);

function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 380);

    img.resize(480, 380); // resize image to be canvas size
    img.loadPixels(); // load image pixels

function draw() {
	drawBits(); // call upon drawBits function

function drawBits() {

	// make grid of rectangles, with each growing bigger or smaller depending on mouse position
	for (x = 0; x < 480; x += grid) {
		for (y = 0; y < 380; y += grid) {

			var dis = dist(mouseX, mouseY, x, y); // measure distance between mouse pos and each square bit
			var bitMap = map(dis, 0, 480, 11+(grid*.05), 3+(grid*.05)); // map width of each rectangle bit dependent on distance

			var bitColor = img.get(x,y); // get color for each rectangle bit

			rect(x, y, bitMap+(grid*.35), bitMap+(grid*.35)); // draw grid of rectangles with width adjusting 

 function keyPressed() {
	// lock maximum "pixel" size at 23
	if (grid > 23) {
		grid = 23;

	// lock minimum "pixel" size at 15
	if (grid < 15) {
		grid = 15;

	// make "pixels" bigger with each click of up arrow, and smaller with click of down arrow
	if (keyCode === UP_ARROW) { // bigger
		grid += 1;
	} else if (keyCode === DOWN_ARROW) { // smaller
		grid -= 1
“low resolution” version
“mid resolution” version
“high resolution” version
the original image! (permission from my friend was obtained)

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