Project 09 – Portrait

//Rachel Kim
//15-104(Section C)
//Project 09

var friendJer; //variable name for original image
var sentence; //variable name for array of words 

function preload() {
	friendJer = loadImage(""); //loading in original image

	sentence = ["This", "is", "my", "friend", "Jeremy", "!!!"] //sentence explaining who the person is in the picture

function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 300);
    background(0); //black background

    friendJer.resize(480, 300); //image to fit canvas
    imageMode(CENTER); //placing image @ center

    friendJer.loadPixels(); //loading words
    frameRate(50); //speed of rendering

function draw() {

	var sentX = random(friendJer.width); //random x-coordinates for words
	var sentY = random(friendJer.height); //random y-coordinates for words

	var ix = constrain(floor(sentX), 0, width); 
	var iy = constrain(floor(sentY), 0, height);

	var xyColorLocation = friendJer.get(ix, iy); //color of original image @ xy location

	textSize(12); //size of words
	textFont('Georgia'); //type of font

	if (sentY < 100) {
        if (sentX < 150) {
            text(sentence[0], sentX, sentY); //randomly placed "This"

        } else if(sentX >= 150 & sentX < 200) {
            text(sentence[1], sentX, sentY); //randomly placed "is"
        } else {
            text(sentence[2], sentX, sentY); //randomly placed "my"
    } else if(sentY >= 100 & sentY < 350) {
        if(sentX < 200) {
            text(sentence[3], sentX, sentY); //randomly placed "friend"
        } else if(sentX >= 200 & sentX < 480) {
            text(sentence[4], sentX, sentY); //randomly placed "Jeremy"
        } else {
            text(sentence[5], sentX, sentY); //randomly placed "!!!"



For this project, I wanted to use a portrait of my friend’s side profile. Because the code renders the original image into an abstract image, I used words to load the image. The words are a sentence that states, “This is my friend Jeremy”. That way, the viewer knows who the person is. Below, is the rendering process of the portrait.

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