Final Project – Passers-by Palette

This interactive art project uses kinect and openframeworks to capture the patterns on participants’ clothes as a 3D point cloud mesh.

Original idea and set-backs:

The project originally hoped to capture the most saturated color of a participant’s wearing and imprint these colors onto a palette. However, random artifacts introduced by Kinect would produce incorrectly highly saturated colors. So the idea was updated.

Set-up and Process:

The project uses Kinect to detect people within a distance of 500 to 1500 mm (0.5 to 1.5 m) and to produce point cloud information. Using openframeworks, the point cloud information can be drawn on canvas in real time.


The code allows the program to take a “screenshot” of the current window. Then, using ofxCv from kylemcdonald addon, the program can detect and contour out an area of some specific hue. By choosing wanted hue and adjusting tolerance threshold, the program can grab an area of pattern on the detected person. It then adds the current wanted patterns to a public ofMesh variable Imprint. 






This interactive project therefore allows creating an imprinted point cloud collage of clothing patterns.