Qixin‘s Final Project


time-based & mix-media art

Qixin Zhang, Dec 2022

I am interested in the “in-between” of natural/organic/physics movement (in this case, water movement / turning movement / glass reflection) and technological/synthesis/computational movement (slit-scan program, light changing pattern). How water/waves/light/reflectin move/ how pixel move.

Experiment & exploration of a workflow – integrate Japanese ink painting skill suminagashi (including the process, the result) /  other live image making, and visual for live performance.


mounted camera – cake stand – laptop – touchdesigner – projector

night version:

slit scan has an element of time: glass with smooth light changing pattern

strobe light, with sound


change light direction


day version

suminagashi : With ink and water spread out, it creates a figure-ground relationship and temporal relationship. slit scan :direction of the movement and time. 


result on paper:


Special thanks: STUDIO of Creative Inquiry, Prof. Golan Levin, Prof. Nica Ross, Kyle McDonald, Matthias Neckermann