Alessandra Fleck – Looking Outwards – 08

(Image from Reuben Margolin’s Pentagonal Wave project)

Reuben Margolin is kinetic artist with a background in math and english from Harvard University who is from Berkeley, California. Inspired by the movement of small green caterpillars, Margolin’s research involves the study of structures that are wave like. Based in Emeryville, California, Margolin has been developing mathematically based natural wave structures for almost 2o years. Growing up with a father who always had woodworking tools around, Margolin was introduced to wood models early in life. He later went to Russia to pursue further study in woodworking  with artists. However, a mathematician at heart, Margolin pursued using mathematics to create flow of his wooden art pieces similar to that of a green caterpillar he had seen years ago while hiking in Utah.

The video below shows one such example of how Margolin implements the caterpillar movement into an actual moving caterpillar machine.

One thing that I particularly admire about Margolin’s work is the details he puts into creating such caterpillar – like flow.  There is a subtle sense of flow in all of the modules that carries that larger piece together. Once such project I think that exhibits this well is his work called Nebula, which also implements 14,064 bicycle reflectors into the structure. I find it fascinating how someone who does not have a very technical background/education, is still able to take concepts of mathematics and apply them to a project of this scale like this. Note that the entire structure used in the Nebula structure is comprised of a thousand amber crystals organized in a “multi-tiered, geometric pattern.”

The means in which Margolin presents his work is very much rooted in the process of trial, failure, critical questioning of what is conventional and discovery. These are three critical aspects of design that I do not think is emphasized very often in the overall design process. Often it seems that Margolin makes several mathematical implementation strategies as he is designing the structure. This approach to designing the structures proves that not all of the work can be planned out them implemented. There is a passing between the drawing board and the shop that goes hand in hand.


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Reuben Margolin




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