Jenna Kim (Jeeyoon Kim) – Project 09 – Portrait


/* Jenna Kim (Jeeyoon Kim)
Section E
Project 9: Portrait

//GLOBAL variable for the IMAGE
var jen;

// preloading image ON THE CANVAS
function preload() {
    jen = loadImage(""); 

function setup(){
	//canvas setting
	createCanvas(600, 400);
	jen.loadPixels(); //draw image
function draw(){
	// starting from the first half of the page and then the left
	var jx = random(width);
	var jy = random(height);
	//constraining to canvas
	var jjx = constrain(floor(jx), 0, width - 15);
	var jjy = constrain(floor(jy), 0, height - 15);
	//picking color from the image
	var C = jen.get(jjx, jjy);

	//drawing rectangular pixels
	rect(jx, jy, random(5, 10), random(5, 10));

	//when mouse is pressed, pink circles are created
	if (mouseIsPressed){
		ellipse(jx, jy, 5, 5);


For this project, I used a portrait of my friend Jenny. I randomized simple rectangular forms to complete Jenny’s portrait. Looking at others’ portraits and trying different codes for my project, I was amazed by how many variations you can use to create a
pixelated portrait. When you click on the screen, pink circles come up because I personally like the pink sky in the back and I wanted the pink color to show up on other parts of the portrait too. It’s fun to look at the pink circles disappear as more rectangular shapes show up.

original photo

middle process
What it’s supposed to look like as the forming of portrait goes to end

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