Looking Outwards – 09 Min Lee

“Vektron Modular” by Niklas Roy, 2010

The Looking Outwards assignment that I found interesting is Katherine Hua’s assignment on Niklas Roy’s “Vektron Modular”. This project by Roy stores algorithmic sound compositions within microcontroller modules that can be played back on a compatible device. The attached synthesizer on the device can alter parameters of the algorithm that produce the sounds, which is why the audio becomes distorted as Roy plays with the joystick in the video above.

What stood out to me about this project was the inspiration and technical applications that are possible through it. The device was inspired by Sony’s Playstation, which Katherine very accurately describes in her assignment. The application that Niklas Roy found for his device came through the musical exploration possibilities that follow the device. Through various switches on the device, the user is able to explore the binary structures within music and compare different rhythmic patterns and number systems for counting beats. An interesting and productive assessment of this device could be made from a strictly musical production standpoint by using it to create new and interesting instrumentals.


Source: https://courses.ideate.cmu.edu/15-104/f2018/2018/09/21/katherine-hua-looking-outwards-04/

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