Dani Delgado – Looking Outwards 12

The two projects I looked at this week focus on combining sound with visuals and generative work. The first project is called “Ichographs I”. This project, created by Yiannis Kranidiotis, is an audio visual computation that explores the relationship between these two components by transforming colors into sound frequencies. They took they colors from classical paintings and transformed them into visual audio, which I think is a super interesting concept. Website .

Screencap of the code generating audio waves from the painting’s colors

The second project I looked at is a generative work for the rock group NAFF Chusma. This piece, created by Thomas Sanchez Lengeling, uses real time graphics and the sound to create visually stunning animations. Website

A screencap of the animation

Both projects were coded (at least in part) using C++ and created visual artwork by using sound frequencies. I’m very interested in this intersection of audio and visual, not only because I find the ability to make the invisible soundwaves somehow tangible fascinating, but also because code allows us to this in such seamless and vibrant ways. These projects have both visual and intellectual intrigue, which is something that I think would be nice to reflect within my final project as well.

^ Yiannis Kranidiotis’ work

^ Thomas Sanchez Lengeling’s work

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