Miranda Luong – Project 12 – Proposal

Collaborator: Jason Zhu

For our final project, Jason and I want to create an audiovisual performance instrument. Inspired by the dynamic capabilities of static design, a concept honed by historic Swiss Design, our project will utilize the alternation of simple geometric shapes to visualize the kinetic nature of music. Source audio will be represented by a singular circle surrounded by a sea of triangles and quadrilaterals. The scale of the center circle and the form of outside shapes will change according to beat and frequency changes in the music. This visual display will suggest an interplay between the source audio and its environment. The concept is similar to ripples created by a droplet of water. This project will explore the communicative capabilities of flat imagery to convey movement and test our own abilities to break down music in a communicative format. Below is an example of how the visuals of this project will look.

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