Alice Cai- Looking Outwards

Flow is a project by artist Tim Roden Broeker. Tim does “creative coding”, what he defines as the arts and experimental software development. He believes code is a powerful skill; Tim aims to explore the world of art and technology. He works with Processing and p5.js.

His project flow is an abstract, experimental short-film written with Processing. It was created for the PSD-Medienfassade, a large LED display mounted on the PSD- bank in Munster. The piece shows a flowing snake-like configuration floating in a three-dimensional space. The head of the figure twists and turns on the screen like a long, infinitely growing rope. The subject also rotates on an axis in space. Along with the visual, Tim has composed music to accompany the piece. The music is meant to be streamed from a special application from a smartphone. Tim decided to push the project to the next step and made it interactive. To do this, he had to switch from Processing to Javascript.

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