Ammar Hassonjee – Project 12 – Final Project Proposal

For the final project, I plan to collaborate with Lee Chu to make a series of interactive camera scenes that use the webcam as a background, similar to the concept of snapchat and instagram filters. Our idea is that in each state of the canvas, our program will be able to identify the person’s body or head, and therefore start to draw and animate objects that move relative to the person’s body with some level of randomness. We imagine for one scene, the person can repel an object that moves around the screen with their hand. Another could just be simply drawing objects on top of certain parts of the picture using color analysis. The idea is that the user will be able to cycle through different scenes. Through this exploration, we hope to create a fun and interesting program that users can interact with for a while without getting bored.

Possible sketch of one scene animated on top of a webcam.

Author: Ammar Hassonjee

I am a third year architecture student.

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