Nawon Choi— Looking Outward 12

“Strength” by Field for Deutsche Bank

I was really inspired by a studio called Field. They are a creative studio that creates immersive artistic experiences using technology. In particular, a project called “Evolving Environments” was very interesting to me. I really admire the beautiful motion graphics combined with and auditory component that creates a truly immersive and captivating experience. They used real-time code that reflects something happening in nature.

Light and motion graphics for a project for the car company Infinity

I was also inspired by the works of a studio called Nand. For this project, they tried to capture the experience of driving through data, light, and motion. I love the idea of taking data points such as speed, acceleration, heart rate, etc to incorporate into the visualization. I also like how they tried to evoke or emulate emotion through an abstract visualization.

Both projects take data points from “real life” and abstract them in a way to visualize motion and emotion. I really like this idea of creating computational art by incorporating data.

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