Ian Kaneko – Final Project

ikaneko 15-104 final project

Unfortunately I ran into trouble while trying to embed my project. Linked above is a zip file that contains my project and the sound files necessary to run it. Clicking the link should begin a download of the zip file. After extracting the file the project should be available just by running the index found in the template-all folder.

For my final project I created a set of wind chimes that the user can interact with. The user can swipe their mouse through the chimes, moving them and causing them to sound when they collide with each other. When the mouse hits a chime it will move in the direction that the mouse was moving with force proportional to how fast the mouse was moving as well. The chimes will also transfer momentum when they collide with each other. The pitches from left to right are C, D, E, G, A, C, and D. The sounds are sampled from a glockenspiel which sounds very similar to wind chimes. (If you swipe really hard and some chimes go off-screen don’t worry, they come back!)

The starting position of the chimes
Chimes after being swiped around

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