LookingOutwards-03 Section C

A project or work that I find inspirational is Probability Lattice by Marius Watz. This work is a set of 4 3D printed pieces. I admire the design of these pieces, as they are all different and unique yet very similar looking at the same time. Watz designed each parametric design with software much like his other visual abstraction pieces that he designs through generative software processes. Watz likes to design cool looking abstract pieces and this set, Probability Lattice, is an abstract piece designed with software and 3D printed, a combination of all of Watz’s artistic sensibilities. These four pieces in this set are all abstract and made with code, the base layer of what Watz believes his art should be. The 3D printed aspect makes this set a computational digital fabrication.

links: http://mariuswatz.com/2012/05/09/probability-lattice/

**3D printed probability lattices by Marius Watz, designed with software.**

Project-03: Dynamic Drawing

My project was pretty much inspired by this giant cat I saw outside of my window one night running around in the grass, and so I cut my old project for this one. It started with getting the cat drawn, which was the hardest part by far to keep it symmetrical and looking friendly. After the cat, I wrote the “time” variable which keeps the movement of the sun synced with the color of the background, which lightens as the sun rises. The cat’s eyes follow your mouse as it moves around as well, and as the sun comes up the grass shrinks to show the whole cat.


function setup() {
    createCanvas(600, 450);


function draw() {
	var time = min(mouseY, 255) ////controls mouse and background
	var eyemoveX1 = constrain(mouseX, 228, 236)
    var eyemoveX2 = constrain(mouseX, 364, 372)
    var eyemoveY = constrain(mouseY, 170, 182) ////eyes follow mouse
    var grassHeight = constrain(time, 0, 255) + 120 ////grows grass
    var sunHeight = 480 - min(mouseY, 480)    ////moves sun

	background(time / 4, time / 2, time);
    fill(100, 100, 100)
    circle(width / 2, height / 2, 300)
    triangle(188, 120, 240, 84, 136, 24)
    triangle(408, 120, 356, 84, 456, 24)
    circle(232, 176, 40)
    circle(368, 176, 40)
    fill(50, 0, 200)
    circle(232, 176, 24)
    circle(368, 176, 24)
    ellipse(eyemoveX1, eyemoveY, 12)
    ellipse(eyemoveX2, eyemoveY, 12)
    triangle(276, 248, 324, 248, width / 2, 272)
    line(width / 2, 272, width / 2, 304)
    line(288, 280, 200, 240)
    line(288, 282, 200, 288)
    line(288, 284, 200, 336)
    line(312, 280, 400, 240)
    line(312, 282, 400, 288)
    line(312, 284, 400, 336)
    line(width / 2, 304, 276, 332)
    line(width / 2, 304, 324, 332)
    fill(255, 247, 16)
    circle(80, sunHeight, 100)
    fill(11, 156, 21)
    triangle(0, 450, 50, 450, 25, grassHeight)
    triangle(50, 450, 100, 450, 75, grassHeight)
    triangle(100, 450, 150, 450, 125, grassHeight)
    triangle(150, 450, 200, 450, 175, grassHeight)
    triangle(200, 450, 250, 450, 225, grassHeight)
    triangle(250, 450, 300, 450, 275, grassHeight)
    triangle(300, 450, 350, 450, 325, grassHeight)
    triangle(350, 450, 400, 450, 375, grassHeight)
    triangle(400, 450, 450, 450, 425, grassHeight)
    triangle(450, 450, 500, 450, 475, grassHeight)
    triangle(500, 450, 550, 450, 525, grassHeight)
    triangle(550, 450, 600, 450, 575, grassHeight)



Project 3 – Dynamic Drawing

Assemble the astronaut to see a funky-looking space! Careful though, one wrong move and everything will float away.

 * Michelle Kim
 * michell4
 * Section B
function setup() {
    createCanvas(600, 450);
    text("p5.js vers 0.9.0 test.", 10, 15);

function draw() {
    var x = max(min(mouseX, 600), 0);
    var y = max(min(mouseY, 600), 0);
    var sizeX = x * 350 / 400;
    var sizeY = y * 350 / 400;
    //purple planet
    fill(188, 123, 238);
    ellipse(10 + x * 300 / 600, 225, sizeX / 4);
    //purple planet's orange stripes
    fill(253, 106, 68);
    rect(x * 290 / 600, 200, sizeX / 9, sizeY / 30);
    rect(x * 270 / 600, 225, sizeX / 9, sizeY / 30);
    rect(x * 290 / 600, 250, sizeX / 9, sizeY / 30);
    //yellow planet and rings
    fill(255, 209, 20);
    ellipse(x * 160 / 600, y * 300 / 600, sizeX / 5);
    ellipse(x * 160 / 600, y * 300 / 600, sizeX / 2, sizeY / 7);
    //yellow planet's squares
    fill(92, 106, 228);
    square(x * 130 / 600, y * 330 / 600, sizeX / 40);
    square(x * 130 / 600, y * 240 / 600, sizeX / 65);
    square(x * 180 / 600, y * 340 / 600, sizeX / 45);
    square(x * 160 / 600, y * 260 / 600, sizeX / 20);
    //blue planet
    fill(123, 230, 238);
    ellipse(400 - x * 300 / 600, 300 + y * 300 / 600, sizeY * 1.2);
    //blue planet's green dots
    fill(105, 158, 109);
    ellipse(x * 150 / 600, 270 + y * 300 / 600, sizeY / 3);
    ellipse(x * 290 / 600, 250 + y * 300 / 600, sizeY / 5);
    ellipse(x * 290 / 600, 310 + y * 300 / 600, sizeY / 15);
    //astronaut's head
    ellipse(655 -  x * 200 / 600, 20 + y * 300 / 600, sizeX / 3);
    arc(475, 125, 45, 40, radians(190), radians(250));
    arc(471, 140, 45, 40, radians(190), radians(200));
    //astronaut's left hand
    ellipse(265 + x * 200 / 600, 100 + y * 300 / 600, sizeX / 10);
    //astronaut's right hand
    ellipse(415 + x * 200 / 600, 100 + y * 300 / 600, sizeX / 10);
    //astronaut's left foot
    ellipse(310 + x * 200 / 600, 190 + y * 300 / 600, sizeX / 10);
    //astronaut's right foot
    ellipse(370 + x * 200 / 600, 190 + y * 300 / 600, sizeX / 10);
    //astronaut's body
    rect(270 + x * 200 / 600, 70 + y * 300 / 600, sizeX / 3, sizeY / 2);
    ellipse(630 -  x * 200 / 600, 100 + y * 300 / 600, sizeX / 20);
    ellipse(630 -  x * 200 / 600, 130 + y * 300 / 600, sizeX / 20);

Project-03: Dynamic Drawing

I was inspired by album art by the band Surfaces. I liked the way their album art had soft pastel colors and the depth it always presented. I started with the background mountains, trees, and roads first. It took me a while to make all the trees because I had to layer triangles, and the car took a lot of time to accurately have all the car parts move with respect to mouseX. If you click, the headlights thickness will increase, and the color of the sun will change. If you move mouseX, the car will move. If you move mouseY, the clouds will move, the background sky color will change, and the sun size will change.

//Annie Kim
//andrewID anniekim

var sunangle = 0
var suncolorR = 242
var suncolorG = 244
var suncolorB = 190
var headlighttop = 370
var headlightbottom = 395
var star1angle = 0
var star2angle = 0
var star3angle = 0
var star4angle = 0
var sundiameter = 150

function setup() {
    createCanvas(600, 450);
    background(14, 40, 91); //blue background

function draw() {
	//background sky - blue if mouseY is in top half, pink if in bottom half
	if (mouseY < (height * 0.50)) {
        background(15, 40, 91);

    } else if (mouseY > (height * 0.5)) {
        background(240, 210, 209);
	//sun rising and moving
	translate(300, 225); //moving sun's origin to middle of screen
    rotate(radians(sunangle)); // rotating in circle clockwise
    fill(suncolorR, suncolorG, suncolorB);
	circle(50, 150, sundiameter + (mouseY/3)); //sun made
	sunangle = sunangle + 2.5; //med rotation speed

	fill(255); //white color
	point(mouseY - 140, 55); //points of the first cloud to connect
    point(mouseY - 185, 50);
	point(mouseY - 220, 52)
    point(mouseY - 260, 54);
	point(mouseY - 290, 55);
	point(mouseY - 138, 60);

	curveVertex(mouseY - 140, 55); //connecting first cloud
	curveVertex(mouseY - 140, 55);
	curveVertex(mouseY - 185, 50);
	curveVertex(mouseY - 220, 52);
	curveVertex(mouseY - 260, 54);
	curveVertex(mouseY - 290, 55);
	curveVertex(mouseY - 138, 60);
	curveVertex(mouseY - 138, 60);

	point(mouseY, 91); //points of the second cloud to connect
	point(mouseY - 10, 93);
	point(mouseY -20, 98);
	point(mouseY - 60, 105);
	point(mouseY - 70, 115);
	point(mouseY + 30, 125);
	point(mouseY + 60, 125);
	point(mouseY + 170, 120);
	point(mouseY + 155, 110);
	point(mouseY + 130, 85);
	point(mouseY + 90, 90);

	curveVertex(mouseY, 91); //connecting second cloud
	curveVertex(mouseY, 91);
	curveVertex(mouseY - 10, 93);
	curveVertex(mouseY -20, 98);
	curveVertex(mouseY - 60, 105);
	curveVertex(mouseY - 70, 115);
	curveVertex(mouseY + 30, 125);
	curveVertex(mouseY + 60, 125);
	curveVertex(mouseY + 170, 120);
	curveVertex(mouseY + 155, 110);
	curveVertex(mouseY + 130, 85);
	curveVertex(mouseY + 90, 90);
	curveVertex(mouseY + 90, 90);
	//mountain layer 1 (light coral color)
    fill(250, 180, 175);
    stroke(250, 180, 175);
    point(0, 255);
    point(0, 385);
    point(30, 230);
    point(150, 210);
    point(195, 190);
    point(215, 200);
    point(260, 215);
    point(290, 220);
    point(310, 215);
    point(380, 175);
    point(420, 190);
    point(460, 145);
    point(510, 185);
    point(540, 165);
    point(580, 155);
    point(600, 160);
    point(600, 375);

    curveVertex(0, 385);
    curveVertex(0, 385);
    curveVertex(0, 255);
    curveVertex(30, 230);
    curveVertex(150, 210);
    curveVertex(195, 190);
    curveVertex(215, 200);
    curveVertex(260, 215);
    curveVertex(290, 220);
    curveVertex(310, 215);
    curveVertex(380, 175);
    curveVertex(420, 190);
    curveVertex(460, 145);
    curveVertex(510, 185);
    curveVertex(540, 165);
    curveVertex(580, 155);
    curveVertex(600, 160);
    curveVertex(600, 375);
    curveVertex(600, 375);

    //mountain layer #2
    fill(230, 195, 210);
    stroke(230, 195, 210);
    point(0, 170);
    point(0, 370);
    point(10, 155);
    point(25, 145);
    point(55, 130);
    point(80, 140);
    point(105, 180);
    point(140, 200);
    point(170, 205);
    point(210, 225);
    point(250, 225);
    point(250, 370);

    curveVertex(0, 370);
    curveVertex(0, 370);
    curveVertex(0, 170);
    curveVertex(10, 155);
    curveVertex(25, 145);
    curveVertex(55, 130);
    curveVertex(80, 140);
    curveVertex(105, 180);
    curveVertex(140, 200);
    curveVertex(170, 205);
    curveVertex(210, 225);
    curveVertex(250, 225);
    curveVertex(250, 370);
    curveVertex(250, 370);

    //mountain layer #3 (purple layer)
    fill(200, 180, 222);
    stroke(200, 180, 222);
    point(250, 390);
    point(250, 265);
    point(280, 260);
    point(300, 270);
    point(310, 280);
    point(320, 290);
    point(340, 287);
    point(350, 285);
    point(370, 270);
    point(390, 267);
    point(410, 280);
    point(430, 300);
    point(440, 298);
    point(450, 295);
    point(460, 285);
    point(490, 270);
    point(500, 260);
    point(515, 265);
    point(525, 275);
    point(535, 280);
    point(565, 276);
    point(585, 270);
    point(600, 260);

    curveVertex(250, 390);
    curveVertex(250, 390);
    curveVertex(250, 265);
    curveVertex(280, 260);
    curveVertex(300, 270);
    curveVertex(310, 280);
    curveVertex(320, 290);
    curveVertex(340, 287);
    curveVertex(350, 285);
    curveVertex(370, 270);
    curveVertex(390, 267);
    curveVertex(410, 280);
    curveVertex(430, 300);
    curveVertex(440, 298);
    curveVertex(450, 295);
    curveVertex(460, 285);
    curveVertex(490, 270);
    curveVertex(500, 260);
    curveVertex(515, 265);
    curveVertex(525, 275);
    curveVertex(535, 280);
    curveVertex(565, 276);
    curveVertex(585, 270);
    curveVertex(600, 260);
    curveVertex(600, 390);
    curveVertex(600, 390);

    //trees layer 1 (lightest green layer)
    fill(176, 231, 228); //first tree on left
    stroke(176, 231, 228);
    triangle(0, 250, 70, 390, 0, 390); //layering triangles
    triangle(0, 200, 35, 260, 0, 260); 
    triangle(0, 230, 50, 300, 0, 300);
    triangle(0, 260, 60, 340, 0, 340);
    //second tree from the left
    triangle(75, 250, 110, 180, 145, 250);
    triangle(60, 300, 110, 220, 160, 300);
    triangle(45, 350, 110, 260, 175, 350);
    triangle(30, 390, 110, 300, 190, 390);
   //third tree from the left
    triangle(225, 195, 260, 170, 295, 195);
    triangle(222, 205, 260, 180, 298, 205);
    triangle(219, 215, 260, 190, 301, 215);
    triangle(216, 225, 260, 200, 304, 225);
    triangle(213, 235, 260, 210, 307, 235);
    triangle(210, 245, 260, 220, 310, 245);
    triangle(207, 255, 260, 230, 313, 255);
    triangle(204, 265, 260, 240, 316, 265);
    triangle(201, 275, 260, 250, 319, 275);
    triangle(198, 285, 260, 260, 322, 285);
    triangle(195, 295, 260, 270, 325, 295);
    triangle(192, 305, 260, 280, 328, 305);
    triangle(180, 315, 260, 290, 331, 315);
    triangle(177, 325, 260, 300, 334, 325);
    triangle(150, 390, 260, 260, 361, 390);
    //tree in the middle
    triangle(320, 305, 340, 200, 360, 305);
    triangle(340, 200, 320, 270, 363, 270);
    triangle(363, 300, 390, 255, 410, 300);
    triangle(358, 320, 387, 275, 415, 320);
    triangle(420, 310, 440, 270, 460, 310);
    triangle(490, 240, 480, 300, 500, 300);
    //tree on the far right
    triangle(550, 160, 560, 145, 570, 160);
    triangle(545, 170, 560, 155, 575, 170);
    triangle(540, 180, 560, 165, 580, 180);
    triangle(535, 190, 560, 175, 585, 190);
    triangle(530, 200, 560, 185, 590, 200);
    triangle(525, 210, 560, 195, 595, 210);
    triangle(520, 220, 560, 205, 600, 220);
    triangle(515, 230, 560, 215, 605, 230);
    triangle(510, 240, 560, 225, 610, 240);
    triangle(505, 250, 560, 235, 615, 250);
    triangle(500, 260, 560, 245, 620, 260);
    triangle(495, 270, 560, 255, 625, 270);
    triangle(490, 280, 560, 265, 630, 280);
    triangle(485, 290, 560, 275, 635, 290);
    triangle(480, 300, 560, 285, 640, 300);
    triangle(475, 310, 560, 295, 645, 310);
    triangle(470, 320, 560, 305, 650, 320);

    //trees layer 2 (med green layer)
    //first tree from the left
    fill(156, 208, 204);
    stroke(156, 208, 204);
    triangle(40, 200, 60, 160, 80, 200);
    triangle(35, 220, 60, 180, 85, 220);
    triangle(30, 240, 60, 200, 90, 240);
    triangle(25, 260, 60, 220, 95, 260);
    triangle(20, 280, 60, 240, 100, 280);
    triangle(15, 300, 60, 260, 105, 300);
    triangle(10, 320, 60, 280, 110, 320);
    triangle(5, 340, 60, 300, 115, 340);
    triangle(0, 360, 60, 320, 120, 360);
    triangle(-5, 380, 60, 240, 125, 380);
    triangle(-7.5, 390, 60, 250, 127.5, 390);
    //second tree from the left
    triangle(150, 320, 170, 260, 190, 320);
    triangle(145, 360, 170, 300, 195, 360);
    triangle(138, 390, 170, 330, 203, 390);
    //middle tree
    triangle(280, 245, 300, 225, 320, 245);
    triangle(270, 260, 300, 235, 330, 260);
    triangle(260, 275, 300, 245, 340, 275);
    triangle(250, 290, 300, 255, 350, 290);
    triangle(240, 305, 300, 265, 360, 305);
    triangle(230, 320, 300, 275, 370, 320);
    triangle(220, 335, 300, 285, 380, 335);
    triangle(210, 350, 300, 295, 390, 350);
    triangle(200, 365, 300, 315, 400, 365);
    triangle(190, 380, 300, 325, 410, 380);
    triangle(195, 390, 300, 330, 415, 390);
    //fourth tree from the left
    triangle(400, 320, 420, 300, 440, 320);
    triangle(395, 340, 420, 310, 445, 340);
    triangle(390, 360, 420, 320, 450, 360);
    triangle(385, 380, 420, 330, 455, 380);
    triangle(380, 390, 420, 340, 460, 390);
    //fifth tree from the left
    triangle(460, 260, 480, 240, 500, 260);
    triangle(450, 285, 480, 245, 510, 285);
    triangle(440, 310, 480, 250, 520, 310);
    triangle(430, 335, 480, 255, 530, 335);
    triangle(420, 360, 480, 260, 540, 360);
    triangle(410, 385, 480, 265, 550, 385);
    triangle(405, 390, 480, 270, 555, 390);
    //far right tree
    triangle(600, 240, 570, 280, 600, 280);
    triangle(600, 245, 550, 320, 600, 320);
    triangle(600, 250, 530, 360, 600, 360);
    triangle(600, 255, 510, 390, 600, 390);

    //trees layer 3 (darkest green layer)
    fill(131, 180, 177);
    stroke(131, 180, 177);
    //middle tree
    triangle(200, 230, 190, 260, 210, 260);
    triangle(200, 240, 185, 270, 215, 270);
    triangle(200, 250, 175, 290, 225, 290);
    triangle(200, 260, 170, 310, 230, 310);
    triangle(200, 270, 165, 330, 235, 330);
    triangle(200, 280, 160, 350, 240, 350);
    triangle(200, 290, 155, 370, 245, 370);
    triangle(200, 300, 150, 390, 250, 390);
    //first left tree
    triangle(60, 300, 90, 270, 120, 300);
    triangle(50, 320, 90, 275, 130, 320);
    triangle(40, 340, 90, 280, 140, 340);
    triangle(30, 360, 90, 285, 150, 360);
    triangle(20, 380, 90, 290, 160, 380);
    triangle(10, 390, 90, 295, 170, 390);
    //third tree from left
    triangle(370, 335, 390, 300, 410, 335);
    triangle(360, 380, 390, 305, 420, 380);
    triangle(350, 390, 390, 310, 430, 390);
    //far right tree
    triangle(515, 280, 535, 240, 555, 280);
    triangle(510, 300, 535, 245, 560, 300);
    triangle(505, 320, 535, 250, 565, 320);
    triangle(500, 340, 535, 255, 570, 340);
    triangle(495, 360, 535, 260, 575, 360);
    triangle(490, 390, 535, 265, 580, 390);

    fill(144, 148, 165);
    rect(0, 390, 600, 60);
    //road stripes
    stroke(242, 244, 190);
    line(0, 415, 600, 415);
    line(0, 420, 600, 420);

    //front headlights: moves with respect to mouseX so it stays connected to the car
    fill(226, 204, 128);
    stroke(226, 204, 128);
    triangle(mouseX + 100, 381, mouseX + 225, headlighttop, mouseX + 225, headlightbottom);
    //car that moves with respect to mouseX
    fill(239, 184, 145);
    stroke(239, 184, 145);
    rect(mouseX, 340, 100, 53); //layering shapes to build car shape
    triangle(mouseX, 340, mouseX - 3.5, 393, mouseX, 393); 
    rect(mouseX + 100, 370, 15, 23);
    triangle(mouseX + 100, 340, mouseX + 115, 370, mouseX + 100, 370);

    //white strip on top of the car that moves with respect to mouseX
    quad(mouseX, 340, mouseX + 5, 335, mouseX + 95, 335, mouseX + 100, 340);

    //windows that move with respect to mouseX
    rect(mouseX + 5, 346, 30, 10);
    rect(mouseX + 43, 346, 26, 10);
    quad(mouseX + 76, 346, mouseX + 97, 346, mouseX + 102, 356, mouseX + 76, 356);

    //door marks that move with respect to mouseX
    stroke(200, 175, 145);
    line(mouseX + 39, 343, mouseX + 39, 393);
    line(mouseX + 72.5, 343, mouseX + 72.5, 393);
    line(mouseX + 65, 372, mouseX + 70, 372); //door handles
    line(mouseX + 75.5, 372, mouseX + 80.5, 372); //door handles

    //wheels that move with respect to mouseX
    circle(mouseX + 15, 393, 25);
    circle(mouseX + 95, 393, 25);
    //wheel covers
    circle(mouseX + 15, 393, 11);
    circle(mouseX + 95, 393, 11);
    //front wheels that is near the headlights, move with respect to mouseX
    point(mouseX + 116, 368);
    point(mouseX + 121, 370);
    point(mouseX + 121, 393);
    point(mouseX + 116, 393);

    curveVertex(mouseX + 116, 368);
    curveVertex(mouseX + 116, 368);
    curveVertex(mouseX + 121, 370);
    curveVertex(mouseX + 121, 393);
    curveVertex(mouseX + 116, 393);
    curveVertex(mouseX + 116, 393);

    //back bumper that moves with respect to mouseX
    rect(mouseX - 5, 385, 6, 3);


    function mouseClicked() {
    suncolorR = suncolorR + 6; //everytime you click, the color of sun gets darker red/orange
    suncolorG = suncolorG - 9; //everytime you click, the color of sun gets darker red/orange
    suncolorB = suncolorB - 9; //everytime you click, the color of sun gets darker red/orange
    headlighttop = headlighttop - 2.5 //everytime you click, the headlight thickness should appear to increase
    headlightbottom = headlightbottom + 2.5 //everytime you click, the headlight thickness should appear to increase

LO-03: Computational Fabrication

I explored the piece Proteus, made by RobotsInArchitecture. It is a display featuring a series of pixel-like structures in which a robot rearranges ferrofluid similar to how a computer screen recolors pixels to form images. Ferrofluid art isn’t particularly rare, but I find that the robotic programming of the piece makes it much more interesting as it coordinates and randomizes how its magnetic array is realigned, rather than simply having a preprogrammed structure it moves. Algorithms which control the magnet array have to feature some sort of group of randomized controls, with preset timers and restrictions on making the same pattern twice, as it is emphasized that the robot constantly shifts between patterns and has a large amount and doesn’t follow any sort of specific order. Patterns most likely aren’t programmed, but magnet movement of course is, meaning that there are technically limits to what the robot can create, but the creators programmed it so that it constantly is shifting, and transitions from pattern to pattern make the art almost limitless. It reflects a lot of the sensibility of RobotsInArchitecture as they constantly look to expand the usage of robots in art, and creating such an intricate robot I believe displays that same spirit of progress. It also reflects the piece’s title, reflecting the shapeshifting sea god of Greek myth who never keeps the same form, just as the robot constantly shifts its ferrofluid.

This video is a brief walkthrough of Proteus, displaying its art and some of the processes behind it

LO 3 – Computational Fabrication

The Mediated Matter Group from the MIT Media Lab presents a multimaterial
voxel-printing method that enables the physical visualization of data sets
commonly associated with scientific imaging.

White matter tractography data physicalization of the human brain, visualizing bundles of axons, which connect different regions of the brain. 
Photo: The Mediated Matter Group

Modern approaches still predominantly rely on 2D displays of 3D data sets. This
particular project converts data sets into dithered material deposition
descriptions, through modifications to rasterization processes. By contributing
exemplary 3D printed data sets across countless scales, disciplines, and
problem domains, this group’s approach bridges the gap between digital
information representation and physical material composition. Specifically,
scientific visualizations will definitely become more advanced and efficient
with this project as a foundation for future revisions and improvements.

Project 3: Dynamic Drawing

dynamic drawing cb
var size = 100;
var diam = 50;
var dir = 1;
var speed = 2;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(450, 600);

function draw() {
    //color-changing background and stroke
    background(10, 10, mouseX/2);
    stroke(255-mouseX/2, 255-mouseY/2, 255-mouseX/2);
    //center of canvas
    var x = width/2;
    var y = height/2;

    //constrain mouse position on canvas
    mouseX = constrain(mouseX, 0, width);
    mouseY = constrain(mouseY, 0, height);

    //inner flower circles rotate depending on mouseX
    fill(255-mouseX, 255-mouseY/2, 255-mouseX/2, 50);
    for (var i = 0; i < 5; i += 1) {
        translate(x, y);
        rotate((mouseX / 400) + radians(360 * i / 5));
        ellipse(50, 0, 100, 100);

    //outer flower circles rotate depending on mouseX
    fill(255-mouseX, 255-mouseY/2, 255-mouseX/2, 30);
    for (var i = 0; i < 8; i += 1) {
        translate(x, y);
        rotate((-mouseX / 400) + radians(360 * i / 8));
        ellipse(50, 0, 250, 250);

    //outermost circles rotate and change size depending on mouseY
    var m = max(min(mouseY, 600), 0);
    var size = m * 180 / 600 + 30;
    for (var o = 0; o < 50; o += 1) {
        translate(x, y);
        rotate((mouseY / 500) + radians(360 * o / 50));
        ellipse(300, 0, size, size);

    //center expanding contracting circle
    ellipse(x, y, diam, diam);
    diam += dir * speed;
    if (diam > 400) {
        dir = -dir;
        diam = 400;
    } else if (diam < 0) {
        dir = -dir;
        diam = 0;

    //converging lines that follow the mouse position
    //converging lines right
    line(450, 0, mouseX, mouseY);
    line(450, 50, mouseX, mouseY);
    line(450, 100, mouseX, mouseY);
    line(450, 150, mouseX, mouseY);
    line(450, 200, mouseX, mouseY);
    line(450, 250, mouseX, mouseY);
    line(450, 300, mouseX, mouseY);
    line(450, 350, mouseX, mouseY);
    line(450, 400, mouseX, mouseY);
    line(450, 450, mouseX, mouseY);
    line(450, 500, mouseX, mouseY);
    line(450, 550, mouseX, mouseY);
    line(450, 600, mouseX, mouseY);

    //converging lines left
    line(0, 0, mouseX, mouseY);
    line(0, 50, mouseX, mouseY);
    line(0, 100, mouseX, mouseY);
    line(0, 150, mouseX, mouseY);
    line(0, 200, mouseX, mouseY);
    line(0, 250, mouseX, mouseY);
    line(0, 300, mouseX, mouseY);
    line(0, 350, mouseX, mouseY);
    line(0, 400, mouseX, mouseY);
    line(0, 450, mouseX, mouseY);
    line(0, 500, mouseX, mouseY);
    line(0, 550, mouseX, mouseY);
    line(0, 600, mouseX, mouseY);


For this project, I was inspired by guided breathing/meditation animations and wanted to use motion/simple shapes to create something soothing and mesmerizing. I used circles to create a rotating flower and practiced using transformations, expanding/contracting, push/pop, and mouse interactions. Below are some inspiration images:

fireworks animation on SmaPhoArt website
meditation gif

LO 3 – Computational Fabrication

I am inspired by Elisa Stroyk’s “Wooden Carpet” (2009) because of the fascinating form, which is a hybrid surface that combines textiles and furniture. The form and material highly contrast each other, as a rug is typically thought of as soft and flexible while wood is more rigid and hard. I think that the way that these properties have blended in this project is quite interesting. In terms of the technical creation of the work, I believe that the geometric shapes were algorithmically developed, laser-cut out of wood, and then bonded to a textile backing.

Stroyk’s work is driven by her interest in material and presumptions about material, rethinking form and function in everyday objects. The flexibility and modularity of this project reflect that though parametric 3D fabrication involves rules, there are infinite possibilities and combinations.

close-up of wooden carpet
flexibility of wooden carpet

Project – 03- Dynamic Drawing

dynamic drawing
function setup() {
    createCanvas(600, 450);
    text("p5.js vers 0.9.0 test.", 10, 15);
var s;	//rect scale
var x1;
var y1;
var x2;
var y2;
var x3;
var y3;
var x4;
var y4;
var x5;
var y5;
var w = 30;	//rect
var r;	//rotation

function draw() {
	//change background color based on four quadrants
	if(mouseX < (width/2) & mouseY < (height/2)){
		w = mouseX;
		background(245, 209, 213);

	} else if(mouseX > (width/2) & mouseY < (height/2)){
		w = mouseX - (mouseX/2);
		background(225, 164, 186);
	} else if (mouseX < (width/2) & mouseY > (height/2)){
		w = mouseX;
		background(224, 186, 241);
	} else if(mouseX > (width/2) & mouseY > (height/2)){
		w = mouseX - (mouseX/2);
		background(251, 186, 207);
	if (200<=mouseX & mouseX<=400 && mouseY>100 && mouseY<300){
		x1 = mouseX + 80;
		x2 = mouseX + 130;
		x3 = mouseX + 10;
		x4 = mouseX + 110;
		x5 = mouseX + 60;
		y1 = mouseY + 130;
		y2 = mouseY - 10;
		y3 = mouseY + 10;
		y4 = mouseY + 60;
		y5 = mouseY + 90;
		s = 0.77;
		r = 0;
	} else{
		x1 = 90;
		y1 = 90;
		x2 = 130;
		y2 = 300;
		x3 = 333;
		y3 = 120;
		x4 = 500;
		y4 = 260;
		x5 = 400;
		y5 = 390;
		r += 0.5;

	fill(251, 250, 186);
	circle(x1, y1, 60);	//light yellow
	fill(205, 189, 173);
	circle(x2, y2, 99);	//gray
	fill(179, 246, 195);
	circle(x3, y3, 140);	//green
	fill(244, 247, 6);
	circle(x4, y4, 90);	//yellow
	fill(161, 128, 196);
	circle(x5, y5, 80);	//purple
	fill(164, 225, 209);
	rect(mouseX, mouseY, w, 60);



I wanted to make something cute and warm so my circles are mimicking a heart within a certain range of the canvas and the rectangle is supposed to serve as a bandage for the heart. But I got really confused trying to do the rotation and spinning during the process, need to be more used to java.

Project-03: Dynamic Drawing

My project for this week is loosely inspired by a kaleidoscope. I wanted to make an intricate design but due to my limited knowledge of p5.js, I decided to stick with just squares and ellipses. By piling them over and over and varying them by sizes, shapes, rotation speed, and colors based on the mouse position, I was able to achieve a fun, colorful kaleidoscope design.

function setup() {
    createCanvas(600, 450); 
    text("p5.js vers 0.9.0 test.", 10, 15);

var x = 0;
var y = 0;
var angle = 0;

function draw() { 
	var mX = max(min(mouseX, 600), 0); //constraint of canvas width
	var size = mX * (5/6); //sizes vary based on mouseX
	var mY = max(min(mouseY, 450), 0); //constraint of canvas height
	var sizeY = mY * (5/6); //sizes vary based on mouseY

	//square shapes based on mouseX
	fill(mouseY*255/height, mouseX*255/width, max(mouseX, mouseY)*255/500); //color of object depends on mouse position
	rect(x,y, 3*size/2, 3*size/2);	//biggest square
	fill(mouseX*255/width, mouseY*255/height, max(mouseX, mouseY)*255/500); 
	rect(x,y, size, size);	//big square
	fill(mouseY*255/height, max(mouseX, mouseY)*255/500, mouseX*255/width); 
	rect(x,y, 3*size/4, 3*size/4);  //medium square
	fill(max(mouseX, mouseY)*255/500, mouseX*255/width, mouseY*255/height);
	rect(x,y, 5*size/12, 5*size/12); //small square
	fill(max(mouseX, mouseY)*255/500, mouseY*255/height, mouseX*255/width);
	rect(x,y, size/5, size/5); //smallest square

	//square shapes based on mouseY (same sizes, colors)
	fill(mouseY*255/height, mouseX*255/width, max(mouseX, mouseY)*255/500); 
	rect(x,y, 3*sizeY/2, 3*sizeY/2);
	fill(mouseX*255/width, mouseY*255/height, max(mouseX, mouseY)*255/500); 
	rect(x,y, sizeY, sizeY);	
	fill(mouseY*255/height, max(mouseX, mouseY)*255/500, mouseX*255/width); 
	rect(x,y, 3*sizeY/4, 3*sizeY/4); 
	fill(max(mouseX, mouseY)*255/500, mouseX*255/width, mouseY*255/height);
	rect(x,y, 5*sizeY/12, 5*sizeY/12);
	fill(max(mouseX, mouseY)*255/500, mouseY*255/height, mouseX*255/width);
	rect(x,y, sizeY/5, sizeY/5);

	//ellipse shapes based on mouseX
	stroke(mouseX*255/width,min(mouseX, mouseY)*255/500, mouseY*255/height);
	ellipse(x,y, 5*size/2, 2*size);
	ellipse(x,y, 2*size, 5*size/2); //biggest ellipses
	stroke(mouseY*255/height, mouseX*255/width, min(mouseX, mouseY)*255/500);
	ellipse(x,y, 3*size/2, size);
	ellipse(x,y, size, 3*size/2); //big ellipses
	stroke(mouseX*255/width, mouseY*255/height, min(mouseX, mouseY)*255/500);
	ellipse(x,y, size, 2*size/3);
	ellipse(x,y, 2*size/3, size); //medium ellipses
	stroke(mouseY*255/height, max(mouseX, mouseY)*255/500, mouseX*255/width);
	ellipse(x,y, 3*size/5, 3*size/4);
	ellipse(x,y, 3*size/4, 3*size/5); //smaller ellipses
	stroke(max(mouseX, mouseY)*255/500, mouseY*255/height, mouseX*255/width);
	ellipse(x,y, size/3, 2*size/9);
	ellipse(x,y, 2*size/9, size/3); //smallest ellipses

	//ellipse shapes based on mouseY (same size, colors)
	stroke(mouseX*255/width,min(mouseX, mouseY)*255/500, mouseY*255/height);
	ellipse(x,y, 5*sizeY/2, 2*sizeY);
	ellipse(x,y, 2*sizeY, 5*sizeY/2);
	stroke(mouseY*255/height, mouseX*255/width, min(mouseX, mouseY)*255/500);
	ellipse(x,y, 3*sizeY/2, sizeY);
	ellipse(x,y, sizeY, 3*sizeY/2);
	stroke(mouseX*255/width, mouseY*255/height, min(mouseX, mouseY)*255/500);
	ellipse(x,y, sizeY, 2*sizeY/3);
	ellipse(x,y, 2*sizeY/3, sizeY);
	stroke(mouseY*255/height, max(mouseX, mouseY)*255/500, mouseX*255/width);
	ellipse(x,y, 3*sizeY/5, 3*sizeY/4);
	ellipse(x,y, 3*sizeY/4, 3*sizeY/5);
	stroke(max(mouseX, mouseY)*255/500, mouseY*255/height, mouseX*255/width);
	ellipse(x,y, sizeY/3, 2*sizeY/9);
	ellipse(x,y, 2*sizeY/9, sizeY/3);

	angle += max(mouseX, mouseY)/ 5; //rotation depends on mouse position
