Project 05 – Wallpaper

I thought it would be an interesting exercise to simplify the intricate orchid flower with code. It was a fun challenge determining the most essential shapes out of the organic form. After getting the basic shapes down on paper, I made a sketch in Illustrator, then translated it into p5.js coordinates to create a “tile.” I then used loops to create a wallpaper out of the original tile design.

orchid et
Initial sketches + illustrator mockup
function setup() {
  createCanvas(600, 600);

function draw() {
  scale(.2);//scale down coordinates based on 600x600 canvas
  for (var x = 0; x <= 5*width; x += 600) { 
    for (var y = 0; y <= 5*height; y += 600) { 
      translate(x, y);
function tile() { //use repeating tile to simplify loop function
  fill(35, 58, 58);//bg dark green color
  rect(0, 0, 600, 600);
  //decorative lines
  stroke(227, 239, 177); //yellow line
  line(0, 399, 600, 399);
  line(0, 407, 600, 407);
  line(300, 0, 300, 600);
  stroke(115, 140, 127); //green line
  line(0, 403, 600, 403);
  line(250, 0, 250, 600);
  line(255, 0, 255, 600);
  line(350, 0, 350, 600);
  line(355, 0, 355, 600);

function orchid() {
  fill(206, 126, 179);  //midtone magenta
  ellipse(300, 240, 107, 142); //back petal
  fill(191, 86, 156);  //darker magenta
  translate(-165, 310);
  rect(180, 312, 115, 76, 60, 0, 0, 0);
  fill(191, 86, 156);  //midtone magenta
  rect(305, 312, 115, 76, 0, 60, 0, 0);
  fill(228, 211, 229); //light magenta
  ellipse(212, 315, 183);//large petal1
  ellipse(388, 315, 183);//large petal2
  fill(206, 126, 179);  //midtone magenta
  rect(292, 329, 16, 80);//center rectangle
  push(); //top "sandle"
  fill(255); //white
  ellipse(300, 320, 33);
  triangle (300, 295, 317, 315, 283, 315);
  fill(205, 59, 113); //true magenta
  ellipse(273, 335, 24);
  triangle(264, 343, 278, 343, 295, 387);
  ellipse(327, 335, 24);
  triangle(336, 343, 322, 343, 305, 387);
  rect(268, 401, 64, 21, 0, 0, 21, 21);
  fill(249, 239, 130);//yellow
  ellipse(293, 400, 11);
  ellipse(307, 400, 11);

LO 5

Throughout the past year, I noticed that 3-D graphics have become a very popular medium to decorate and enliven websites and apps. One of my favorite artists I’ve come across is Laurie Rowan. His work takes advantage of animation and the physical “realness” of his medium to communicate out-of-the-box and quirky ideas. It’s difficult to choose one, but I enjoy “MTV: Love,” a short animation reel made for MTV. I think this is a great example of how imaginative and seemingly non-practical artistic visions can be used for the benefit for mainstream audiences on a platform like television.

I assume that Laurie uses a program like Cinema4D to render his characters, and an editing software like AfterEffects to piece them together, but I’m unfamiliar with the algorithmic process. Laurie’s work inspires me to look toward other mediums to further my illustration practice.

Another favorite of mine


function setup() {
    createCanvas(600, 500);

function draw() {
    background(214, 204, 135);

    for(var x = 25; x <= 600; x += 150) {
        for(var y = 0; y <= 500; y += 160) {
            translate(x, y);
            poopiB(x, y);

    for(var x = -50; x <=600; x += 150) {
        for(var y = -50; y <= 500; y += 160) {
            translate(x, y);
            pizza(x, y);

function poopiB(x, y) {
    fill(255, 254, 143)
    rect(35, 70, 25, 70, 17)

    rect(32, 65, 31, 8)
    rect(38, 35, 20, 30)

//hat detail
    fill(35, 105, 94)
    rect(38, 60, 20, 5)

    circle(35, 95, 18, 18);
    circle(60, 95, 18, 18);

    point(35, 95);
    point(60, 95);

    curveVertex(44.5, 102);
    curveVertex(44.5, 102);
    curveVertex(45.5, 112);  
    curveVertex(47.5, 115);
    curveVertex(49.5, 112);
    curveVertex(50.5, 102);
    curveVertex(50.5, 102);

    fill(105, 35, 37);
    curveVertex(39, 118);
    curveVertex(39, 118);
    curveVertex(56, 118);
    curveVertex(56, 121);
    curveVertex(54, 122.5);
    curveVertex(47.5, 125);
    curveVertex(40.5, 122.5);
    curveVertex(39.5, 121);
    curveVertex(39, 119);
    curveVertex(39, 119);

    fill(202, 66, 68);
    curveVertex(44.5, 124);
    curveVertex(44.5, 124);
    curveVertex(45, 122);
    curveVertex(46, 121);
    curveVertex(49, 120.5);
    curveVertex(52, 123.5);
    curveVertex(51, 124.5);


function pizza(x, y) {
    fill(208, 166, 116);
    triangle(28, 75, 60, 55, 85, 85);
    quad(24, 69.5, 85, 80, 85, 85, 24, 75);
    quad(24, 69.5, 33, 70.5, 60, 50, 58, 47);

    fill(255, 248, 194);
    triangle(28, 70, 60, 50, 85, 80);

    fill(223, 78, 73);
    circle(45, 67, 8, 8);
    circle(68, 70, 8, 8);
    circle(59, 60, 8, 8);


I love Rick and Morty, and I wanted to create a wallpaper of the additional characters that show up in certain episodes. One of my favorite characters is Mr. Poopybutthole. My wallpaper is inspired by a scene in the show where he is also surrounded by pizza.

Scene from Rick and Morty of Mr. Poopybutthole.

Looking Outwards – 05: Computer Graphics

Brutalist styled architecture that has been transformed into a “futuristic” style

Jakub Javora is an artist who practices concept design, concept art, and illustration. One of the many projects that the artist completed was the concept art of an upcoming feature film called Restore Point. With the use of the location the story is based on, Javora was able to transform the real location into a futuristic and dark scene. It’s intriguing to see how one is able to create an alternate world through the use of 3D computer graphics. The artist used the newest version of the software Ebsynth, which he was able to paint the characters on. Ebsynth is a tool that converts real-life video footage into stylized hand-painted animation. This allowed him to achieve the “futuristic” look with both the characters and the environment.


Screenshot of Renders by @bijouhome_ on Instagram

@bijouhome_ on Instagram is an account which posts varieties of renderings of building interiors. I find their work to be extremely inspiring because although each rendering is different from another, there is a clear style and aesthetic to each design. The use of pastel colors, as well as the realistic, yet futuristic style is something I strive for in my work. Although I do not know much about the exact process of how the renders are generated, I would assume that Rhino, and V-Ray are two very important tools that are common when rendering for architecture. Knowing the challenges and difficulties of these two programs, I was especially inspired by the extent of which the tools can be used.

Project – 05: Wallpaper

For this project, I wanted to create a simple wallpaper of clouds that had a cute smile with rosy red cheeks. In order to do so, I first sketched out one friendly cloud on the illustrator and began coding from there.

sketch – Copy
//Rachel Kim
//15-104(Section C)
//Project 05

function setup() {
    createCanvas(450, 500);

function draw() {
	background(213, 232, 241);

	for (var x = 90; x <= 700; x += 170) {
		for (var y = 90; y <= 700; y += 80) {
			translate(x, y);

//cloud background
function cloud() {

	//white clouds
	ellipse(-10, -122, 51, 35);
	ellipse(-37, -107, 51, 35);
	ellipse(-49, -134, 51, 35);
	ellipse(-68, -110, 51, 35);
	ellipse(-89, -128, 51, 35);

	//cloud eyes
	ellipse(-20, -200, 4, 4);
	ellipse(-50, -200, 4, 4);

	//cloud smile mouth
	arc(-203, -193, 15, 10, TWO_PI, PI, OPEN);

	//cute cheeks 
	fill(255, 0, 0, 100);
	ellipse(-216, -115, 9, 3);
	ellipse(-190, -115, 9, 3);

Project 05: Wallpaper

My first idea when trying to create a wallpaper was using Penrose tiling, but I couldn’t find a good algorithm without directly copying code, which wouldn’t make for a very good learning exercise. My second idea, using a theme of symmetry, came in the form of recursion. I decided to loosely base a recursive wallpaper off of a Koch snowflake. I think that the resolution is a little too low for it to be properly viewed, but it is still interesting. I’d like to imagine this pattern looped across my wall, each recursive segment being repeated.


function setup() {
    createCanvas(600, 600);
    text("p5.js vers 0.9.0 test.", 10, 15);

function draw() {
    // just the rainbow
    let colors = ['#FF0000', '#FF7F00', '#FFFF00', '#00FF00', 
                    '#0000FF', '#4B0082', '#9400D3'];

    // move center for ease of programming
    translate(width / 2, height / 2);
    recursiveSnowflake(360, colors);


// use default parameters for recursive depth
function recursiveSnowflake(initSize, colors, depth=0) {
    if (depth === 7) { // base case
        // do nothing
    } else { // recursive case
        drawTriCenter([0, 0], initSize, 0);
        drawTriCenter([0, 0], initSize, 180);
        var dAngle = 60;
        for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
            rotate(radians((dAngle * i)));
            translate(0, Math.sqrt(3) * initSize / 2);
            recursiveSnowflake(initSize / 3, colors, depth+1);

// draws an equilateral triangle, point facing up
function drawTriCenter(c, sideLength, rot) {
    // math to get tri points from center
    var distance = sideLength / Math.sqrt(3);
    let p1 = [c[0] - distance * cos(radians(90 + rot)), 
                c[1] - distance * sin(radians(90 + rot))];
    let p2 = [c[0] - distance * cos(radians(210 + rot)), 
                c[1] - distance * sin(radians(210 + rot))];
    let p3 = [c[0] - distance * cos(radians(330 + rot)), 
                c[1] - distance * sin(radians(330 + rot))];

    triangle(p1[0], p1[1], p2[0], p2[1], p3[0], p3[1]); 

LO 5: 3D Computer Graphics

I’ve been interested in procedural generation for quite a while, mostly due to my interest in creating a 3D roguelike game, and as a result of this I have chosen a demonstration of a procedural generation model in 3D. The generation algorithm in this case is cellular automata, an algorithm that generates forms and structures based on rules applied to each neighboring “cell.” The use of cellular automata in the video below shows a great understanding of the algorithm, giving the various forms being shown. The 2017 video generates forms using blocks, most forms being non-descript or crystalline in structure. My personal favorite forms shown in the video are Clouds 1 and 2 because of their cave-like structures. Despite the interesting nature of the algorithms and forms generated, the creator, Softology, most likely intended this to be a demonstration for their software, Visions of Chaos.

Visualization of cellular automata algorithm.

Project Wallpaper

var x = 0
var y = 0
var side = 50

function setup() {
    createCanvas(400, 400);
    text("p5.js vers 0.9.0 test.", 10, 15);

function coolShape(x, y) {
	stroke(95, 57, 1);
	fill(250, 195, 14);
	//left quad
	quad(x, y, (x + 2*(side/3)), (y + (-side/2)), (x + 2*(side/3)), (y + (side/2)), x, (y + side))
	//right quad
	quad((x + 2*(side/3)), (y + (-side/2)), (x + 4*(side/3)), y, (x + 4*(side/3)), (y + side), (x + 2*(side/3)), (y + (side/2)));
	//bottom quad
	quad(x, (y + side), (x + 2*(side/3)), (y + (side/2)), (x + 4*(side/3)), (y + side), (x + 2*(side/3)), (y + 2*side));

function draw() {
	background(250, 195, 14);
	for (var r = 0; r <= 400; r += (dist(x, (y + side), (x + 4*(side/3)), (y + side)))) {
		for (var i = 0; i <= 500; i += 4*(side/3)) {
			coolShape(r, i);

3D Computer Graphics

The work in 3D computer graphics that I want to talk about is the work done for Merida’s hair in the Disney/Pixar movie Brave. Because Merida’s hair is this thick mess of curls, they had to develop a new technology in order to capture its movement. That new technology is called “core curve and points.” Essentially, each “strand” of hair is represented by a spring (1,500 hand-placed curls!!). The points along the core curve include the springs, so that when Merida moves her head along the curve, the hair moves with her. I admire this project because of how this technology makes it possible to represent more identities in animated film. I also admire how much fun the team seems to have had cracking this problem? It took almost three years to finalize her hair!! That’s crazy!! I admire that they genuinely love this work so much. Claudia Chung is my source of information on this project, she was the simulation supervisor on Brave.

Here’s the website where I got my information from: