Looking Outwards 03: Computational Fabrication

A project I find particularly inspirational is “P_Wall” by Andrew Kudless (Matsys). I admire that it is a clearly patterned sculpture with a mathematical structure, but it has organic curves to it. I know that this is difficult to achieve because of a project I had done last year in my freshman year design studio in which a group of my classmates and I were to construct an environment with duplicates of small modules. It was difficult to form something that looked natural with pieces that were geometric, so I respect this aspect. This wall also reminds me of beef tripe, which is very soft and flabby, and contrasts the hardness of the wood used in the sculpture. I suppose that the algorithm that generated this structure was based on simple shapes and limited in size per hole. It was likely also randomized in its protruding curves or calculated based on ripples or waves seen in nature. Kudless’ artistic sensibility is seen in this piece, not just in the visually appealing pattern, but additionally in its size, which leaves the viewer with a grander impression and ability to experience the individual modules.

Image of the “P_Wall” by Andrew Kudless

LO 3: Computational Fabrication

I am looking at a concept model created by Zaha Hadid architects of a building
I think parametric modeling in architectural digital fabrication can create amazing building and structural designs. In the example of the model, I am intrigued by the way the shape moves and contorts as it moves up the building. It would be challenging to hand draw this model and with dFab tools, it is also easy to adjust the algorithm behind it to easily create new shapes. In architecture, the grasshopper software or similar software can be used to develop an algorithm that draws shapes and points in relation to each other so the inputs for each element when changed can easily change the entire model. In this model, the designer plays around with lines and curves and through their creative abilities, they created a design that curves in and out from the center axis of the building.

Looking Outwards 03

I’m not sure if my chosen project will fit exactly into the brief, but I’ve found its recency and its potential to be quite relevant. Cornell recently (4 days ago, to be exact) published an article on the world’s first 3D printed home. An industrial-sized 3D printer is used to pour layers of concrete in toothpaste-like rows. Each row builds upon one another to result in a fully inhabitable two-story home. Apart from the sparing of human labour, this hybrid manufacturing process produces minimal waste, and creates more resilient buildings. The project combines 3D printing technology with more conventional framing methods for the most sound structures. The introduction of this hybrid approach creates great potential for “mass-customized” architectural projects, where advanced fabrication methods strategically combine different materials. These emergent methods will hopefully be able to be scaled up to mixed-use developments and serve as a viable solution to housing shortages.

Project 03 – Dynamic Drawing

  • move the mouse up and down to see changes in color
  • move the mouse left and right to change spacing between the squares
let angle = 0;
var size = 100

function setup() {
    createCanvas(700, 500);
    text("p5.js vers 0.9.0 test.", 10, 15);

function draw() {

    //circle in the center

    //inner ring of circles
        for(let a=0; a<radians(360); a+=radians(30)){

    //outer row of circles
        for(let a=0; a<radians(360); a+=radians(30)){

        //makes it so that the squares don't disappear when mouseX goes to 700
        size = max(mouseX/2, 100);

    angle += radians(1);


LO: Computational Fabrication

I’m not sure how much this counts, but I decided to look into the architectural aspect of the generative design question, because both of my parents are architects who have worked on many generative related projects. What I found was the Heydar Aliyev Center in Baku, designed by Zaha Hadid Architects. This structure, designed and built between 2007 and 2012, is a physical representation of the early integration of AI and generative design with standard architectural design and practice. It’s a gorgeous building, with an amazing fusion of traditional Islamic design concepts and a more organic and futuristic form, done mostly in white with the exception of the Theater I believe. It was in the geometry of the “skin” of the building, as in certain walls and the exterior, where AI was used to geometrically model based on certain parameters what the best position for say, an opening, would be, or the dimensions and shape of a tile of cladding to be manufactured.

The building structure itself is fascinating, and looks sleek and futuristic in classic Zaha Hadid style. What algorithms and how they were created and used I guess are trade secrets, but they must have really tweaked them, because this is the most elegant and efficient example of generated architecture that I have seen so far. I do know though that those algorithms seemed to be less in relation to the physical form of the building, and was only really mentioned in its external cladding and some of the internal features.


Project-03: Dynamic Drawing

var d= 100;//diameter of each circle

function setup() {
    createCanvas(600, 450);

function draw() {
    d=min(mouseX,width);//d changes when the mouse moves
    circle(width/4, height/4, d);//top left red circle
    circle((width/4)*3, (height/4)*3, d);//bottom right green circle
    d=width-d;// d changes oppositely 
    circle(width/4, (height/4)*3, d);//bottom left blue circle
    circle((width/4)*3, height/4, d);//top right orange circle

When I was designing the graph, I was thinking about the idea of contrasting colors (red and green, blue and orange) and circles popping out.

project 3: dynamic drawing

I really wanted to make something that incorporated color changes without using a lot of colors. So I messed around with blend modes and created this!

// isis berymon section D

var x;
var y;
var bluex;
var bluey;
var greenx;
var greeny;
var d;

function setup() {
    d = 100;
    bluex = width/2;
    bluey = height/2;
    greenx = width/2;
    greeny = height/2;

function draw() {
    blendMode(BLEND); //makes bg opaque
    blendMode(SCREEN); //brightens overlapping colors
    circle(width/2, height/2, d);
    circle(greenx, greeny, d);
    circle(bluex, bluey, d);
    //diameter scales with how far mouse is from center
    d = width/2-dist(width/2, height/2, mouseX, mouseY);
    //blue circle moves opposite the mouse
    bluex = width/2 + (width/2-mouseX);
    bluey = height/2 + (height/2-mouseY);
    //green circle moves with the mouse
    greenx = width/2 + (mouseX-width/2);
    greeny = height/2 + (mouseY-height/2);

Project 3 Dynamic Drawing

The piece is inspired by 3D Glasses, and the relationship between Red and Blue light in bringing images “off the screen.” I think it has a really cool holographic affect to it that is also brought about with proximity and rotation.



//Aarnav Patel
//Section D

var side;
var midX = 0;		//the coordinates of the middle squares (what the other squares are proportional to)
var midY = 0; 
var rotation = 0;
var color1 = 255;
var color2 = 0;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(600, 450);
    text("p5.js vers 0.9.0 test.", 10, 15);
    side = width / 32;	


function draw() {

	//change my origin to the middle of the canvas to better organize my rectangles
	translate(width / 2, height / 2);

	//side rectangles are proportionally equidistant from the middle square (based on x value)
	xdiff = min(mouseX / 2, (width / 2) - side);
	ydiff = min(mouseY / 2, (height / 2) - side);

	//Red Rectangles (TOP ROW)
	fill(color1, 0, color2, 100);
	push();							//Create its own coordinate system (for rotation)
	translate(midX, midY - ydiff);	//MID square coordinate place
	rectMode(CENTER);				//means that the x and y value below are the CENTER of the rectangle
	rect(0, 0, side, side);
	pop();							//reset coordinate sytem for next rectangle

	translate(midX - xdiff, midY - ydiff);	//LEFT square coordinate place
	rect(0, 0, side, side);

	translate(midX + xdiff, midY - ydiff);		//RIGHT square coordinate place
	rect(0, 0, side, side);

	//blue rectangles (BOTTOM ROW)
	fill(color2, 0, color1, 100);
	translate(midX, midY + ydiff);		//MID square coordinate place
	rect(0, 0, side, side);

	translate(midX - xdiff, midY + ydiff);		//LEFT square coordinate place
	rect(0, 0, side, side);

	translate(midX + xdiff, midY + ydiff);		//RIGHT square coordinate place
	rect(0, 0, side, side);

	rotation = rotation + 1;	//Increment rotation so squares always spinning

	if (mouseIsPressed) {	//if user holds mouse, it changes color (switches blue and red values of each row)
		if (color1 != 0) {
			color1 -= 1;
			color2 += 1;
		} else {
			color1 += 1;
			color2 -= 1;

		if (side >= width) {	//if rectangles get too big for the canvas, it resets back to initial side length
			side = width / 32;
			color1 = 255;
			color2 = 0;
		} else {
			side = side * 1.01;



Looking Outwards 03 – Computational Fabrication

Purl installation at night – photoluminescent fibers charge during the day with solar power.

One project that especially inspired me was Jenny Sabin’s’ Purl installation in Abu Dhabi. The project is a very immersive example of Computational Fabrication being used to create an environment. The installation serves as an “interactive” canopy, which has digitally weaved photoluminescent fibers. What really inspires me about this piece is the incorporation of computational biomimicry, and this allusion to patterns in nature with this high tech piece. It relates to Andy Lomas’ Cellular Forms exploration, which highlights the beauty of morphogenetic processes through an ambiguously generated form. The piece is extremely organic, which bolsters its intent/message of fostering a community/ecosystem within the commissioned area. 

As per the article, Sabin’s work employs the use of modularity, and understanding how the parameters of these recursive functions produce these overarching environments. In context of the concept of gestaltum and parametric objects, it’s interesting to recognize the variables that were adjusted to create the specific weaves – whether the relationship between the hexagonal shapes indicates the numbers used? 

Purl, Jenny Sabin 2020

Looking Outwards 03: Computational Fabrication

Braumann J. and S. Brell-Cokcan – ‘Real-Time Robot Simulation and Control for Architectural Design’ (2012)

The project that was really inspirational for me was the ‘real time robot simulation and control for architectural design’. Many factors attracted towards this project, as it was something that was happening in real time and improving lives and the built environment. I really liked the way architects made use of the multifunctional nature of robots, I was not aware that robots had a lower cost than that of actual workers. I was also fascinated by how these tasks were accomplished with pristine accuracy by employing simple algorithms. Using grasshopper to create computational design was something that really fascinated me. The paper/project is targeted towards introducing robots in the field of architecture and how useful they might be when employed correctly, via using algorithms and peeking intuitively. I do not know much about the algorithms that generated these designs or are responsible for computational design in architecture, but I do know that grasshopper is a key
tool in this task, and I have a little experience using grasshopper. Grasshopper has a relatively easy and understandable interface and generates algorithms that in turn projects 3 dimensional computational design of Rhino. The final project is an example of what a computational fabrication environment is able to achieve, thus, a proof of concept and mass customization.
