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Anima – dcastleb

I started by looking around my house for inspiration for objects to animate and originally wanted to animate a sparkly piece of fabric, but found that it was…

Breadth Animation – Sophia Huang

Sample 1: Spider For my first sample, I wanted to experience adding cardboard to an inflatable and seeing how it would move. At first, I only taped four…

Breath Animation – ehyang

Jellyfish Paper and tissue are attached to the end of a ruler, actuated by a breath-controlled pneumatic hinge. One end is held in place/mounted to the shelf. Bird…

Breadth Animation – Assignment 2

By: Natalia Santiago For my breadth animations, I decided to get inspiration from the natural hinges in the body such as the shoulders, knees, and neck. In order…

Breath Animation | Jasmine Cheng

Wings The first sample I made was a pair of wings. I started out with a simple hinge made of two detached pieces of cardboard with a rectangular…


Assignment 2: Michelle Murray 1/25/22 Sample 1: Bird’s Life Using a square-shaped bag for the “bird’s body” and two pieces of cardboard cut into “wings,” I was able…

Assignment 2: Breath Animation

Yumeng Zhuang Sample 1 – “Reach” I was inspired by Garth’s comment on how the shorter axis of the cross section of the bag increases the most when…

Breath Animation | Jina Lee

My three ideas were as follows:  An indicator or sign that you are stressed or not understanding something in class through the hat Face mask heart beat (you…

“Anima” – Breath Animation

Jessica Wallace My three original ideas were as follows:  Heart beat using a plastic bag + straw + clothing + paper “Butterfly” using cardboard+yarn? +straw  Rocket ship that…

Prosthetic Technologies of Being | Jesse Wallace

The project I researched explores how we can use technology and wearables to extend the human ability to sense and interact with our surroundings. What feature of the…