Justin Yook- Looking Outwards 03

Fully assembled product

The project “Decorative Elements” by user mrule on Thingiverse is a 3D printed structure that functions as a lamp that diffuses light in the room. The inspiration for this design came from a “back-lit space organism” according to the description. In addition, it seems that the geometry was made in OpenSCAD, a software for creating solid 3D models that can be printed.

Lamp pieces made in CAD software

I found this project interesting because it showed me how versatile   and powerful computational fabrication can be; it allows one to extend their creativity, and express it in a tangible form. For example, when I usually think of lamps, my mind imagines the common lamp shade, but mrule’s creation pushes the limits of that idea to construct a shade out of smaller hexagonal ones. I also think it is nice that creators can share and download the CAD designs.

Decorative Elements: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:6281

Catherine Coyle – Project 03 – Dynamic Drawing

catherine drawing

// Catherine Coyle
// Section C
// ccoyle@andrew.cmu.edu
// Project-03 Dynamic Drawing

var skyColor = 80;
var sunColor = 0;
var cloudPosition = 1;
var oldX = 0;
var currX = 1;
var dir = 'right';
var angle = 0;
var targetX = 0;
var targetY = 0;
var diffX = 1;
var diffY = 1;

function setup() {

function draw() {
	// sky darkens
	background(skyColor, skyColor * 2, skyColor * 4);
	// sun/moon
	fill(255, 212 + (sunColor / 5), sunColor);
	ellipse(width / 2, height, 250, 250);
	fill(255, 212 + (sunColor / 5), sunColor, 50);
	ellipse(width / 2, height, 300, 300);
	fill(255, 212 + (sunColor / 5), sunColor, 25);
	ellipse(width / 2, height, 400, 400);
	// rays will rotate based on mouseY value
	translate(width / 2, height);
	fill(255, 212 + (sunColor / 5), sunColor, 70);
	rect(145, 0, 25, 40);
	rect(-145, 0, 25, 40);
	rect(0, 145, 40, 25);
	rect(0, -145, 40, 25);
	// bird will change the way its facing based on the mouse
	currX = mouseX
	if (currX > oldX) {
		dir = 'right';
	} else if (currX < oldX) {
		dir = 'left';
	// drawing it based on direction
	if (dir == 'right') {
		// beak
		fill(252, 194, 118);
		triangle(mouseX, mouseY, mouseX - 20, mouseY + 10, mouseX - 20, mouseY - 10,)
		// bird body
		fill(232, 95, 117);
		ellipse(mouseX - 20, mouseY, 20, 20);
		triangle(mouseX - 30, mouseY, mouseX - 40, mouseY + 10, mouseX - 40, mouseY - 10)
		ellipse(mouseX - 20, mouseY, 10, 10);
	} else {
		// beak
		fill(252, 194, 118);
		triangle(mouseX, mouseY, mouseX + 20, mouseY + 10, mouseX + 20, mouseY - 10,)
		// bird body
		fill(232, 95, 117);
		ellipse(mouseX + 20, mouseY, 20, 20);
		triangle(mouseX + 30, mouseY, mouseX + 40, mouseY + 10, mouseX + 40, mouseY - 10)
		ellipse(mouseX + 20, mouseY, 10, 10);
	// flock of birds trails the main one
	// i got the basic format for this 'easing' from the class website
	diffX = mouseX - targetX;
    diffY = mouseY - targetY;
    targetX = targetX + 0.1 * diffX;
    targetY = targetY + 0.1 * diffY;
    fill(155, 29, 44);
    if (dir == 'right') {
    ellipse(targetX - 75, targetY - 30, 15, 15);
    ellipse(targetX - 75, targetY + 30, 15, 15);
    ellipse(targetX - 150, targetY - 60, 15, 15);
    ellipse(targetX - 150, targetY + 60, 15, 15);
	} else {
		ellipse(targetX + 75, targetY - 30, 15, 15);
    	ellipse(targetX + 75, targetY + 30, 15, 15);
   		ellipse(targetX + 150, targetY - 60, 15, 15);
    	ellipse(targetX + 150, targetY + 60, 15, 15);
	// clouds move opposite to the bird
	fill(227, 235, 239);
	cloudPosition = width - mouseX
	rect(cloudPosition + 50, 350, 100, 40);
	rect(cloudPosition + 30, 370, 100, 40);
	rect(cloudPosition - 150, 200, 100, 40);
	rect(cloudPosition - 180, 180, 100, 40);
	rect(cloudPosition - 350, 275, 120, 30);
	rect(cloudPosition - 380, 290, 80, 20);
	// sky darkens as bird moves
	skyColor = 80 - (mouseX / 10);
	sunColor = mouseX / 2.5;
	// adjusting various variables for the next frame (movement)
	oldX = currX
	angle = mouseY / 50;

I was not really sure what to do when starting this project. I started doodling a little bit and just came up with the idea of a migrating flock of birds. I wanted it to be cute and simple, but also incorporate some of the things we learned this week. I’m still not the biggest fan of rotation, but I think this project helped me get the hang of it a little better.


Here is my doodle from when I came up with the idea:

Rebecca Kim – Looking Outwards – 03

The concrete house serves aesthetic value–both on the exterior and within.

Unveiled on April of this year at Milan Design Week, “3D Housing 05” is Milan’s first 3D-printed concrete house, the work of CLS Architetti’s Massimiliano Locatelli. He offers several interesting facets of consideration, including commentary about building installations on the moon.

This is the interior of the house.

“3D Housing 05” was built with a CyBe mobile 3D concrete printer, and its mobility specifically allowed for unconventional geometry to be instated. Its environmental implications are a bit obscure to me as the house was constructed out of mortar as opposed to a common PLC compostable bioplastic. However, the debris is recycled into new housing which perhaps reduces waste and reduces use of lumber. Furthermore, the roof houses an urban garden which has positive implications.

This prospect is particularly exciting for me as housing crises ride metropolitan areas. The construction through 3D-printing reduces not only the cost of each unit but also the amounts of human capital and time required.

Ultimately, Locatelli considers a plethora of criterion, and brings the project to completion with an awareness of aesthetics.



// Christine Seo
// Section C
// mseo1@andrew.cmu.edu
// Project-03

var leftColor; 
var rightColor;
var inBetweenColor;
var inBetweenPosition;
var angle1 = 0;
var angle2=0;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(640, 480);
    leftColor = color (200, 171, 223);
    rightColor = color (35, 42, 97);
    inBetweenColor = color (115, 171, 223);
    inBetweenPosition = 0;

function draw() {
	//background color change
	inBetweenPosition = map (mouseX,0, width, 0, 1);
	inBetweenColor = lerpColor(leftColor,rightColor,inBetweenPosition);

	//triangles bottom
	fill(mouseX+200, mouseY, 100);
	triangle(100, 360, 0, 480, 140, 480);
	fill(mouseX+200, mouseY, 300);
	triangle(210, 270, 110, 480, 290, 480);
	triangle(570, 240, 430, 480, 650, 480);
	fill(mouseX+200, mouseY, 100);
	triangle(410, 370, 270, 480, 510, 480);

	//triangles top
	fill(mouseX+200, mouseY, 300);
	triangle(100, 160, 0, 0, 140, 0);
	triangle(410, 170, 270, 0, 510, 0);
	fill(mouseX+200, mouseY, 100);
	triangle(210, 70, 110, 0, 290, 0);
	triangle(570, 30, 430, 0, 650, 0);

	//triangle moves
	if (mouseY>height/2){
		fill(mouseX+200, mouseY, 100);
		triangle(100, 270, 0, 0, 140, 0);
		fill(mouseX+200, mouseY, 300);
		triangle(100, 270, 0, 480, 140, 480);

		fill(mouseX+200, mouseY, 100);
		triangle(210, 140, 110, 480, 290, 480);
		fill(mouseX+200, mouseY, 300);
		triangle(210, 140, 110, 0, 290, 0);

		triangle(410, 240, 270, 480, 510, 480);
		fill(mouseX+200, mouseY, 100);		
		triangle(410, 240, 270, 0, 510, 0);

		triangle(570, 150, 430, 480, 650, 480);
		fill(mouseX+200, mouseY, 300);		
		triangle(570, 150, 430, 0, 650, 0);

	var x1=map(mouseX,0,width,163,173);
	ellipse (x1,270,40,40);
	var x2=map(mouseX,0,width,233,253,true);
	ellipse (x2,270,40,40);

	var x3=map(mouseX,0,width,154,174);
	var x4=map(mouseX,0,width,224,254,true);

	var x1=map(mouseX,0,width,360,370);
	ellipse (x1,160,40,40);
	var x2=map(mouseX,0,width,430,450,true);
	ellipse (x2,160,40,40);

	var x3=map(mouseX,0,width,350,370);
	var x4=map(mouseX,0,width,420,450,true);

	//rotating rectangles
    ellipse(angle2, angle2, 0.1, 0.1);
    angle1 += mouseX/100;
    angle2 += 0.5;

I enjoyed being able to interact with my work through a mouse. I made sure to use many different elements and played with the color of the background and triangles. I also wanted to focus on using both the mouseX and mouseY. I think the eyes made the piece come together to make it more interesting as well!

Alexandra Kaplan – Looking Outwards – 03

3D printed seashells

One project I found while looking on the Digital Fabrication Flicker that is linked to on the course website really stood out to me. It is a project created by flickr user fdecomite who 3D prints seashells. These seashells seem to be so much like the real thing that at first I couldn’t believe they were 3D printed.
I am not sure how the different code and algorithms helped to make the seashells but I think it could use some sort of random pattern generator for the color and an algorithm for the ratios for the different parts of the shell. The art really shines through in the patterns on the shells and just how natural they seem. I can imagine it must have taken hours of studying seashells to understand the complex patterns that appear upon them.

Note: I tried to find a website for the artist but was unable to.

Kevin Thies – Dynamic Drawing


var deg = 0; // Degrees to Rotate
var x = 0; // Offset from origin
var r = 255; // Rgb Code
var b = 0; // rgB  Code
var dim = 10; // Circle Dimension

function setup() {

function draw() {

    angleMode(DEGREES); // This makes things easier for later
    background(220, 220, 220, 90);

    fill(r, 0, b); // changes fill color as mouse moves

    translate(320, 240); // moving origin to center of screen
    rotate(-deg); // 6 Counter Clockwise circles
    ellipse (0 + x, 0, dim, dim);

    ellipse (0 + x, 0, dim, dim);

    ellipse (0 + x, 0, dim, dim);

    ellipse (0 + x, 0, dim, dim);

    ellipse (0 + x, 0, dim, dim);

    ellipse (0 + x, 0, dim, dim);

    rotate(deg * 2); // 6 Clockwise Circles
    ellipse (0 + x, 0, dim, dim);

    ellipse (0 + x, 0, dim, dim);

    ellipse (0 + x, 0, dim, dim);

    ellipse (0 + x, 0, dim, dim);

    ellipse (0 + x, 0, dim, dim);

    ellipse (0 + x, 0, dim, dim);

    ellipse (0 + x, 0, dim, dim);


    /* As mouseX Increases, make the circles
        - Rotate CW and CCW
        - Move further away from origin
        - Change Color
        - Grow larger
        All of these don't want to go completely offscreen
        255 is a convienient number as it's used for standard rgb
        To make something change slower, mouseX needed to be
            ivided by a larger numbers

    deg = constrain (mouseX/3, 10, 255);
    x = constrain (mouseX/3, 10, 255);
    r = constrain (mouseX/3, 10, 255);
    b = constrain (mouseX/3, 10, 255);
    dim = constrain (mouseX/6, 10, 50);

I really liked the image shown on the project page, and it made me think about loading icons. We’d just covered a lot of rotation, and a lot of loading icons are rotations, so I just followed those ideas and took a stab at it.

Kevin Riordan-Looking Outwards-03

La Cage aux Folles, on display in Los Angeles since 2014.

This project is called “La Cage Aux Folles”, and was made by Warren Techentin Architecture (WTARCH) and placed in the courtyard gallery of Materials and Applications in Los Angeles, California. It was made in 2014, and was designed to be like a combination between a Mongolian yurt and a cage. It uses generative algorithms with linear elements and parametric surfaces to figure out where to bend the pipes, which create an extremely stable structure. I looked for what exactly generative algorithms were, but could not find much information. The creator’s artistic sensibilities are present in the final form, as flow was a major consideration when designing the structure, and it is very appealing to look at. I admire how foreign it looks, and how it’s use is for habituation but looks like a sculpture, not like something meant to withstand any force. The fact it is so strong is remarkable, and I think digital fabrication is what allowed something so pretty to also be so structurally sound.

Aerial view, showing how a person can easily rest on the top.

Kevin Riordan Project-03-Dynamic-Drawing


/*Kevin Riordan
Section C
var lineX=0;
var lineY=0;
var colorX=0;
var colorY=0;
var colorR=0;

function setup() {

function draw() {
    for(var c=0; c<=640; c+=20) {
    //lines coming in from the edges from top and bottom
    for (lineX=0; lineX<=640; lineX+=60) {
        //varying the color based on where mouse is
    //lines coming in from the edges from left and right
    for (lineY=0; lineY<=640; lineY+=60) {
        //varying the color based on where mouse is
    //lines going out from center to positions around the mouse
    for (var a=50; a<=650; a+=50) {
        //varying the color based on where mouse is
    //large circle made up of smaller circles at certain increments
    for(var b=0; b<=360; b+=5) {
        //loop used for incrementing the larger circles
        for (var g=1; g<=40; g++) {
        //triangular grid-like lines around circles
        for (var h = 1; h<=40; h++) {
    //rectangles in background over gridlines
    for(var d=20;d<=640;d+=40) {
        //two different loops because I wanted to adjust color and placement, probably unneccessary
        for(var e=0;e<=640;e+=40) {
        for(var f=0;f<=640;f+=40) {

I started by making the gridlines, and then started using loops to put in shapes, changing the color and position based on where the mouse was. I originally made it 800×800, but changed it to 640×480 at the end.

Kevin Thies – Looking Outwards 03 – Parametric Digital Fabrication

Interior Render of the Morpheus at the City of Dreams Macau by ZHA

The Morpheus Hotel at the City of Dreams resort in Macau, China, was started in 2013 and finished earlier this year by Zaha Hadid Architects. It’s impressive seeing something so crazy and so obviously designed on a screen come to life. All of those slightly different pieces was fabricated and put into its very specific place. The project was likely made with a combination of Maya and Gehry Technology’s Digital Project modeling software, as director Patrik Schumacher released in an 2014 interview that those were what the company was using at the time. ZHA is well known for their use of parametric design, and this project is just taking that and heavily applying it to the overall facade and structure. Scale-wise that means there’s a lot of almost identical parts that each had to be custom made, something the 1.1 billion-dollar budget reflects.


Joanne Lee – Looking Outward 02

One of the biggest attractions of New York City during the holiday season is the Saks Fifth Avenue Holiday Light Show and holiday windows. As someone who grew up in northern New Jersey, I often went to the city to see this particular light show and it indicated the true start of the holidays. Although I was unable to find the name of the entire design team behind this brilliant light display, Fred Schwam is the CEO of the team. Schwam and his team have been installing this ten story tall light show since 2004 and change the light show every year.

In 2017, Saks Fifth Avenue and Disney collaborated for the 80th anniversary of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. This theme was mainly reflected in the shopping windows where they implemented 3d layering techniques to incorporate original art from the actual film. Schwam and his design team takes great care to put together this holiday display, taking nearly a year to plan and execute. The design team was very sensible in designing the Snow White characters in modern day fashion while also 3-D projecting original scenes from the movie. This combines a timeless classic with a modern day take.

3-D layering technique used in Snow White themed holiday windows display, collaboration between Saks Fifth Avenue x Disney