Hannah Cai—Looking Outwards—02

GeoSound home page.GeoSound

GeoSound is an interactive web page that generates sound from analyzing the rotation of geometric objects. Though this generation is, in some ways, directly influenced by the user, the user cannot change the patterns and pitches created by the shapes (except by increasing the “randomness”). This project caught my eye for two reasons, the first being the interactivity that I just mentioned. The second was the use of sound. This project piqued my interest in generative sound, especially combined with abstraction. I don’t believe that music should only be for people who play classical instruments, or for pop stars. Programs like this bring the joy of creating music closer to people who might not have much of a musical background, which I think is something special.


Rjpark – Looking Outwards 02

Photo of Dancer and Lights Interacting (Pattern Recognition by Memo Akten)

The project, Pattern Recognition by Memo Akten, is an interactive performance between dancers and lights. Essentially, the lights follow the movement of the dancer, making the dance more dynamic and the movements more continuous. What I admire about this project is the ability of the lights to detect movement of a specific dancer. The reason being that, artistically, the lights can emphasize the movement of one dancer over the others and help direct the audience’s attention to where the choreographer wants their attention to be. I, a dancer myself, find this project fascinating because it adds so much more to the experience of a dance performance.

To briefly explain how this works, there’s a training phase where the learning algorithm analyzes the movement of the dancer (training data) and spits out a model. Then in the prediction phase, new data (paired to a target) is inputted into the model and the model eventually creates an output, a prediction of movement. When creating this project and algorithm, Memo Akten definitely thought about the themes of learning and memory for both the dancer and the machine. As stated in the article below, “Computational Creativity research is not only concerned with the creative output of the algorithms or technical implementation details, but is equally — if not more — concerned with the philosophical, cognitive, psychological and semantic connotations of machines exhibiting creative behavior, or acting creative”.

Pattern Recognition

Review of Machine Learning in Artistic Context

Sophie Chen – Project 02 – Variable Face


var faceSize = 210;
var eyeType = 2;
var noseShape = 1;
var earShape = 1;
var mouthType = 1;
var colorG = 103;
var colorB = 135
function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 640);
function draw() {
    background(189, 200, 234);
    fill(255, colorG-30, colorB-40);
    ellipse(width / 2, height / 2, faceSize, faceSize);
    fill(245, 155, colorG, 80);
    arc(width / 2, height / 2, faceSize, faceSize, PI, TWO_PI);
    if (eyeType == 1){
        var eyeLX = width/2-faceSize*0.15;
        var eyeRX = width/2+faceSize*0.15;
        ellipse(eyeLX, height/2, 10, 10);
        ellipse(eyeRX, height/2, 10, 10);
        fill(255, 255, 255);
        ellipse(eyeLX + 3, height/2 - 1, 3, 3); 
        ellipse(eyeRX + 3, height/2 - 1, 3, 3); 
    } else if (eyeType == 2){
        var eyeLX = width/2-faceSize*0.15;
        var eyeRX = width/2+faceSize*0.15;
        rect(eyeLX, height/2, 12, 10);
        rect(eyeRX, height/2, 12, 10);
        line(eyeLX+1, height/2, eyeLX, height/2-3);
        line(eyeLX+4, height/2, eyeLX+3, height/2-3);
        line(eyeRX+1, height/2, eyeRX, height/2-3);
        line(eyeRX+4, height/2, eyeRX+3, height/2-3);

    } else if (eyeType == 3){
        stroke(255, 255, 255);
        var eyeLX = width/2-faceSize*0.15;
        var eyeRX = width/2+faceSize*0.15;
        ellipse(eyeLX, height/2, 20, 20);
        ellipse(eyeRX, height/2, 20, 20);

    if (noseShape == 1){
        fill(230, 223, 255);
        ellipse(width / 2, height / 2 + 3, 20, 15);
    } else if (noseShape == 2){
        fill(255, 255, 184);
        triangle(width / 2 - 10, height / 2 + 3, width / 2 + 10, height / 2 + 3, width / 2, height / 2 + 13);
    if (earShape == 1){
        stroke(155, 245, 204);
        fill(155, 255, 234);
        line(240, 250, 240, 190);
        ellipse(width/2+50, 205, faceSize/2.5, faceSize/5);

    } else if (earShape == 2){
        stroke(255, colorG, colorB);
        fill(250, colorG-20, colorB-10);
        ellipse(190, 205, faceSize/5, faceSize/1.7);
        ellipse(290, 205, faceSize/5, faceSize/1.7);

    if (mouthType == 1){
        stroke(140, colorG, 230);
        arc(width/2 - 6.7, height/1.9, faceSize/15, faceSize/16, TWO_PI, PI);
        arc(width/2 + 6.7, height/1.9, faceSize/15, faceSize/16, TWO_PI, PI);
    } else if (mouthType == 2){
        stroke(140, colorG, 230);
        arc(width/2, height/1.9, faceSize/12, faceSize/12, TWO_PI, PI);

    fill(245, 245, 245);
    ellipse(300, 345, faceSize / 42, faceSize / 42);
    ellipse(290, 355, faceSize / 42, faceSize / 42);
    ellipse(280, 345, faceSize / 42, faceSize / 42);
    ellipse(185, 345, faceSize / 42, faceSize / 42);
    ellipse(175, 355, faceSize / 42, faceSize / 42);
    ellipse(170, 345, faceSize / 42, faceSize / 42);

function mousePressed() {
    faceSize = random(160, 240);
    eyeType = int(random(1, 4));
    colorG = random(150, 245);
    colorB = random(150, 225);
    noseShape = int(random(1,3));
    earShape = int(random(1,3));
    mouthType = int(random(1,3));

I found this a lot more challenging than the last project, but I really enjoyed the process and I think I improved a lot through this assignment. The hardest part for me was the ears, and I decided to make it into a little stem so the face can into an apple/orange and a bunny which worked out well. I tried to incorporate curve vertex into this but unfortunately it didn’t work out, hopefully I will have a better grasp next week.


Sean McGadden Project – 02

Variable Face


/*Sean McGadden
Section C @ 1:30
project - 02 */

//Variable Face

var width = 640
var height = 480

var faceWidth = 200;
var faceHeight = 300;
var faceR = 65
var faceG = 82
var faceB = 244 

var eyeSize = 20;
var eyeR = 244
var eyeG = 211
var eyeB = 65

function setup() {
    createCanvas(640, 480);

function draw() {
    background(66, 244, 143);
    fill(faceR, faceG, faceB)
    rect(width / 3, height / 3, faceWidth,            faceHeight);
    fill (eyeR, eyeG, eyeB)
    var eyeLX = width / 2 - faceWidth * 0.25;
    var eyeRX = width / 2 + faceWidth * 0.25;
    ellipse(eyeLX, height / 2, eyeSize, eyeSize);
    ellipse(eyeRX, height / 2, eyeSize, eyeSize);

function mousePressed() {
    //clicking changes position, color and size of face and eyes. 
    faceWidth = random(150, 300);
    faceHeight = random(200, 300);
    width = random (500, 640)
    height = random (400, 480)
    eyeSize = random(10, 40);
    eyeR = random(148, 244)
    eyeG = random(65, 211)
    eyeB = random(65, 244)
    faceR = random(62, 65)
    faceG = random(65, 82)
    faceB = random(91, 244)


The variable face was very interesting to play around with. Although I took few risks in my sketch I feel I learned a lot more about variables and their implementation. I want to make more intricate interactive pieces in future projects. My project makes computational changes in color, size and position of the face and eyes. Using RGB and canvas coordinate randomization with a few variables, I was able to explore further how faces can be differently perceived even with only small changes.

Here is an original concept sketch that I was unsuccessful in replicating after some attempts.

September 7 2018

Joanne Lee – Project 02

Joanne Lee – Project 02

// Joanne Lee
// Section C
// joannele@andrew.cmu.edu
// Project-02
var eyeType = 1;
var face = 250;
var eyeY = (320+(320-0.15*face))/2;
var brow = 1;
var browY1 = eyeY-0.10*face;
var browY2 = eyeY-0.10*face;
var browStroke = 8;
var stacheR = 255;
var stacheG = 255;
var stacheB = 255;

function setup() {

function draw() {
  background (254, 203, 212);
  var rightEyeX = (240+(240+0.3*face))/2;
  var leftEyeX = (240+(240-0.3*face))/2;
  var eyeColor = "rgb(0,0,0)";
  var curveAnchorY = (eyeY+0.05*face)+50;

  // ears
  var rightEarX = 240-0.33*face;
  var leftEarX = 240+0.33*face;
  var earY = 320-0.32*face;
  var earSize = 70;

  //right brow
  //left brow

  // face

  // eyebrows
  var leftBrowX1 = leftEyeX-0.09*face;
  var leftBrowX2 = leftEyeX+0.07*face;
  var rightBrowX1 = rightEyeX-0.07*face;
  var rightBrowX2 = rightEyeX+0.09*face;

  //left brow
  //right brow

  // eyes
  if (eyeType == 1) { // circle eyes
    var eye1Size = 0.06*face;

    // right eye
    // left eye
  else if (eyeType == 2) { // oval eyes
    var eye2SizeW = 0.06*face;
    var eye2SizeH = 0.12*face;

    // right eye
    // left eye
  else if (eyeType == 3) { // laughing eyes
    var leftEyeX1 = leftEyeX-0.04*face;
    var leftEyeX2 = leftEyeX+0.04*face;
    var leftEyeY1 = eyeY-0.03*face;
    var leftEyeY2 = eyeY+0.03*face;
    var rightEyeX1 = rightEyeX+0.04*face;
    var rightEyeX2 = rightEyeX-0.04*face;
    var rightEyeY1 = eyeY-0.03*face;
    var rightEyeY2 = eyeY+0.03*face;


    // left eye
    // right eye
  else if (eyeType == 4) { // dead eyes
    var leftEyeX1 = leftEyeX-0.05*face;
    var leftEyeX2 = leftEyeX+0.05*face;
    var leftEyeY1 = eyeY-0.04*face;
    var leftEyeY2 = eyeY+0.04*face;
    var rightEyeX1 = rightEyeX-0.05*face;
    var rightEyeX2 = rightEyeX+0.05*face;
    var rightEyeY1 = eyeY-0.04*face;
    var rightEyeY2 = eyeY+0.04*face;


    // left eye
    // right eye


  // nose
  var noseX = 240;
  var noseY = 320+0.05*face;
  var noseSize = 0.1*face;

  // mustache
  var leftStacheX = noseX-0.07*face;
  var rightStacheX = noseX+0.07*face;
  var stacheY = noseY+0.06*face;
  var stacheSizeW = 1.7*noseSize;
  var stacheSizeH = 1.4*noseSize;

  //left stache
  //right stache

function mousePressed() {
  face = random(250,400)
  eyeType = int(random(1,5));
  browStroke = random(4,10);
  brow = int(random(1,3));
  if (brow == 1) { // concerned brows
    browY1 = eyeY-0.10*face;
    browY2 = random(250,260);
  else { // angry brows
    browY2 = eyeY-0.10*face;
    browY1 = random(250,260);
  stacheR = random(200,255);
  stacheG = random(100,255);
  stacheB = random(150,255);

At first, I planned to do variable faces regarding iPhone emojis. However, I decided to hone in more on my favorite emoji — KakaoTalk’s character, Ryan. My variable starts off as the traditional character’s face and then varies. I was curious if the character would still be noticeable with different features and emotions.

Robert Oh-LookingOutwards-02

One of my favorite videos on Rube Goldberg machines.

By definition, Rube Goldberg machines are machines intentionally designed to perform a simple task in an indirect and over-complicated way. These machines usually produce a domino effect, in which each device triggers the next one, and eventually reaches some end goal.

I found these machines very amusing and entertaining to watch. I love the effort the creator of this video put in to make this machine function just to turn a newspaper page at the end of the contraption. I also love the ingenuity of these machines, and how some completely normal action is humorously able to start the next action.

The creator of these machines, Rube Goldberg, was originally a cartoonist who designed his first machine in a comic strip. After much popularity, many TV shows and movies used these ideas, thus giving birth to the “Rube Goldberg machines”.  And so, Goldberg’s artistic sensibilities came to life in the form of these machines!

These machines give me inspiration to think outside the box and to come up with creative ideas!

Rebecca Kim – Looking Outwards – 02

Jackson Mac Low (1922-2004) used computational methods to create poetry in a sort of “cut out” methodology that contradicted conventions of syntax and structure. He implemented algorithms to create abstract texts–but with intricate craftsmanship. Despite the outward incoherence of his texts, Low maintained aesthetic control–even down to the seconds elapsing between each phrase–with methods mirroring those of a composer. The slight connections between consecutive words are even comparable to Siri’s predictive feature on the keyboard.

Strangely, I felt like I understood the essence of his texts, whether that was the sense he intended for his audience or not. For example, in his poem, “Call Me Ishmael” (1972), he pairs the word “circulation” and “long long” and “coffin” that, to me, conveys the mundane cycle that is life. He–or, his algorithm–incorporates tinges of politics as well, with a name characteristic to a specific culture and the phrases “city a land” and “extremest left.”

poem generated by algorithm

Low and his methods were a perfect manifestation of “first word art”–what he accomplished was revolutionary. He broke the constraints of composition–and even art. A fruitful creative of the 20th century, he also continued to receive prestigious fellowships and awards throughout his career.

Read more about him here:



Category Project-02-Variable-Face


//Robert Oh
//Section C

var body_width = 240;
var body_height = 250;
var face_width = 190;
var face_height = 200;
var eye_w = 35;
var eye_h = 0;
var beak_w = 20;
var beak_h = 20;
var beak_dir = 2;
var brow_outer_h = 110;
var brow_inner_h = 100;
var brow_width = 5;
var flipper_right_angle = 0;
var flipper_left_angle = (10/9);
var button_unit = 20;

function setup() {
  createCanvas(640, 480);

function draw() {
  background(61, 247, 247);

  //black parts of body
  fill(0, 0, 0);
  ellipse(320, 270, body_width, body_height);
  ellipse(320, 150, face_width, face_height);

  fill(0, 0, 0);
  if(flipper_right_angle < 0){
    flipper_right_angle = (2+flipper_right_angle);
  arc(350, 270, 350, 350, flipper_right_angle*PI, (flipper_right_angle*PI)+(PI/16));
  arc(290, 270, 350, 350, flipper_left_angle*PI, (flipper_left_angle*PI)+(PI/16));

  //white parts of body
  fill(255, 255, 255);
  ellipse(320, 270, body_width-60, body_height-50);
  ellipse(320-(face_width/6), 150, face_width/3, face_height*3/5);
  ellipse(320+(face_width/6), 150, face_width/3, face_height*3/5);
  rect(300, 150, 60, 40);

  fill(255, 181, 102);
  ellipse(320-(body_width/5), 270+body_height/2, 60, 30);
  ellipse(320+(body_width/5), 270+body_height/2, 60, 30);

  fill(0, 0, 0);
  ellipse(320-(face_width/6), 140, 30, 30);
  ellipse(320+(face_width/6), 140, 30, 30);
  fill(255, 255, 255);
  ellipse(320-(face_width/6), 150, 40, 20)
  ellipse(320-(face_width/6), 140, eye_w, eye_h)
  ellipse(320+(face_width/6), 150, 40, 20)
  ellipse(320+(face_width/6), 140, eye_w, eye_h)

  fill(255, 170, 170);
  ellipse(320-(face_width/6), 150, 20, 15);
  ellipse(320+(face_width/6), 150, 20, 15); 

  fill(255, 181, 102);
  if(beak_dir <= 1){
    beak_dir = 2;
    beak_w = -beak_w;
  triangle(320, 150, 320, 150+beak_h, 320+beak_w, 150+(beak_h/2))

  fill(0, 0, 0);
  quad(320-(face_width/6)-15, brow_outer_h, 320-(face_width/6)+15, brow_inner_h, 320-(face_width/6)+15, brow_inner_h+brow_width,
       320-(face_width/6)-15, brow_outer_h+brow_width);
  quad(320+(face_width/6)-15, brow_inner_h, 320+(face_width/6)+15, brow_outer_h, 320+(face_width/6)+15, brow_outer_h+brow_width,
       320+(face_width/6)-15, brow_inner_h+brow_width);
  fill(0, 0, 0);
  ellipse(320, 230, button_unit, button_unit);
  ellipse(320, 270, button_unit, button_unit);
  ellipse(320, 310, button_unit, button_unit);

  //whites inside the buttons
  fill(255, 255, 255);
  ellipse(320-(button_unit/8), 230-(button_unit/8), button_unit/4, button_unit/4);
  ellipse(320+(button_unit/8), 230+(button_unit/8), button_unit/4, button_unit/4);
  ellipse(320-(button_unit/8), 270-(button_unit/8), button_unit/4, button_unit/4);
  ellipse(320+(button_unit/8), 270+(button_unit/8), button_unit/4, button_unit/4);
  ellipse(320-(button_unit/8), 310-(button_unit/8), button_unit/4, button_unit/4);
  ellipse(320+(button_unit/8), 310+(button_unit/8), button_unit/4, button_unit/4);

function mousePressed() {
  //changes emotions every time mouse is clicked
  body_width = random(220, 260); 
  body_height = random(230, 270); 
  face_width = random(170, 210); 
  face_height = random(180, 220); 
  eye_w = random(30, 40); 
  eye_h = random(12, 25); 
  beak_w = random(5, 20); 
  beak_h = random(10, 20); 
  beak_dir = random(0, 2); 
  brow_outer_h = random(100, 120); 
  brow_inner_h = random(100, 120); 
  brow_width = random(2,7); 
  flipper_right_angle = random(-(1/4), 0);
  flipper_left_angle = random(1, 5/4);
  button_unit = random(15, 30); 

I had a lot of fun making this project. Penguins are definitely my favorite kind of animal, so I thought I would make faces for these adorable, flightless birds. Because I couldn’t add mouths to penguins (which play a huge part for  expressions), I had to make up for it by changing their eyebrows and eyes. Enjoy!



// Christine Seo
// Section C
// mseo1@andrew.cmu.edu
// Project-02
var xPos;
var yPos;
var xR;
var scale;
var eyeScale;
var curve;
var shirtH;
var shirtW;
var hatR;
var earSize;
var eyeW;
var eyeH;
var earringS;
var mouthH;
var headS;
var faceS;
var circleG;
var circleB;
var skinR;
var skinG;
var skinB;
var neckR;
var neckG;
var neckB;
var faceWidth = 100;
var faceHeight = 160;
var hairLength= 155;
function setup() {
  createCanvas(480, 640);
  xPos = random(0,width); 
  yPos = random(0,height);
  xR = random(10,width);


function draw() {

  background(46, 47, 69);

  ellipse(xPos, yPos, scale,scale); 

  fill(neckR, neckG, neckB);
  rect(width/2-80, height/3, faceWidth/2-15, width/4.2, curve/2);

  rect(width/3.84, height/2.1, shirtH, shirtW, curve);

  fill(skinR, skinG, skinB);        
  rect(height/3.5, height/2.2, shirtH-35, shirtW+40, curve);
  rect(width/3.84, height/2.1, shirtH-70, shirtW+10, curve);

  fill (141, 114, 41);
  rect(height/7, width/2.6, width/7, hairLength);

  fill(neckR, neckG, neckB);


  fill (skinR, skinG, skinB);
  ellipse(width / 3, height /3, faceWidth,  faceHeight);


  line(eyeW, eyeH+30, width/2.5, width/3);

  fill(236, 185, 248);

  fill(141, 114, 41);
  translate(width/-9, height/2.95);

  translate(width/1.6, height/35);
  fill(hatR, circleG,circleB);

function mousePressed() {

  xPos = random(0,width); 
  yPos = random(0,height);
  xR = random(10,width);
  scale= random(10,height);
  eyeScale= random(10,20);
  shirtR= random(10,width);
  faceWidth = random(75, 100);
  faceHeight = random(110, 150);
  hairLength = random(120,255);
  earSize= random(25,45);


Although I had difficulties in the beginning of using variables, I was able to find the convenience of them! I experimented with different shapes and sizes. It was great to learn about how much I could play around with the software; it makes everything so much more dynamic!

Catherine Coyle – Looking Outwards 02

In this week’s Looking Outwards I wanted to talk about the pix2pix project. I had considered writing about this one for last week but I think it fits well with the generative art theme.

Essentially, pix2pix is a program that takes a simple line drawing, interprets what it is meant to look like, and turns it into a computer generated ‘oil painting.’ The entire program works because of artificial intelligence and procedural machine learning of scanning thousands of pictures in order to know how to interpret our drawings.

Here is an amazing example of what the program is capable of. (Click the photo for the source.)

It seems that the more lines and detail that are added to your drawing, the better the result will be. The program doesn’t know as much how to handle a lot of blank space which leads to some funny (or horrifying results). This program started at a Dutch broadcasting company called NPO, but the code is open source and it has expanded greatly. I feel as though this computer generated art can be whatever we make of it, and really shows the amazing power of machine learning.

This video demonstrates in more detail how the program works and provides many interesting examples of the generative art.

There is a free demo that anyone can access from their browser! Feel free to try and make your own generative creations here.