Claire Yoon-LookingOutwards -04

Meandering River-audiovisual art installation

Meandering Rivers is an multi channel video installation that premiered at Funkhaus, Berlin on 7/28 to 7/30. It is suspended on multiple screens inside the Sound Chamber’s concrete cavern. There is music, composed by an A.I. playing that shifts in tone when the river and surface patterns shift while this video is playing which, further adds on movement through sonic sound and visuals. A nice harmony is created . between the sound and imagery that creates an “intense emotional journey” through looking at this installation.

This installation uses the vibrancy and dynamic textures on this painting to represent natural forces that have actually shaped these landscapes over time. Although the sound is not verbally communicating anything there is depth and symbolism to the sound that helps conveys the message better as well.

vibrant painterly soundscapes creating rhythmic movement of rivers

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