Timothy Liu — Project 09 — Portrait

I am using 1 grace day on this project.


// Timothy Liu
// 15-104, Section C
// tcliu@andrew.cmu.edu
// OpenEnded-09

var Eileen; // variable name of the person in my project!

function preload() {
    Eileen = loadImage("https://i.imgur.com/V7NYz2M.jpg"); // preloading the image

function setup() {
    createCanvas(300, 450);
    Eileen.resize(300, 450);

function draw() {

    // variables to determine the location of each hamburger
    var burgerX = random(width);
    var burgerY = random(height);

    // variables that ensure the hamburger drawn remains on the canvas
    var burgerOnCanvasX = constrain(floor(burgerX), 0, width - 1);
    var burgerOnCanvasY = constrain(floor(burgerY), 0, height - 1);

    // variables to determine the proportions and shape of each burger
    var burgerW = random(8, 14);
    var burgerH = random(6, 10);
    var meatWStart = burgerW / 2 - burgerW * 0.125;
    var meatW = burgerW * 0.75;
    var meatH = random(2, 4);

    // variable that identifies the pixel color of the underlying images
    var pixelColor = Eileen.get(burgerOnCanvasX, burgerOnCanvasY);

    // applies the pixel color to each hamburger in the foreground

    // drawing each individual hamburger
    arc(burgerX, burgerY, burgerW, burgerH, PI, TWO_PI);
    rect(burgerX - meatWStart, burgerY, meatW, meatH);
    arc(burgerX, burgerY + meatH, burgerW, burgerH, 0, PI);


For this project, I used a photo I took of my girlfriend Eileen at In-n-out burger in California. I really liked the photo because it has a lot of vibrant colors (red, green, yellow, etc) which I thought would be fun to portray through abstract shapes and pixels. I decided to make each building block of the portrait shaped like a hamburger as a reference to the burgers in the foreground of the picture and the restaurant the photo was taken at. Each burger is proportionally built based on a random bun height and width, which means that each burger is a different, randomly generated size. Together, each of the burgers collects to form a portrait!

The early stages of hamburgers…
As more hamburgers are drawn, the color and shape begins to show…
A more complete version of my piece when more of the hamburgers have been drawn. The hamburgers aren’t super small, so it’s hard to depict the fine details, but the shape and figure are definitely there!
The original photograph!

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